Monday February 17-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m quad stretch + 20m frankenstein stretch]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3-4 front squats, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 2-3 wall walks w/:03 pause at top 


AMRAP in 10:00

16 calories

8 dumbbell front squats, tough

16 sit ups w/feet anchored in dumbbells

8 alternating dumbbell reverse lunges w/DBs at shoulders 


2-3 rounds NFT:

12-15 light banded front raises

16 russian twists 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m quad stretch + 20m frankenstein stretch]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3-4 goblet squats @30x1 tempo + 

2nd: 2-3 wall walks w/:03 pause at top 


AMRAP in 10:00

16 calories

8 dumbbell front squats, tough

16 sit ups w/feet anchored in dumbbells

8 alternating dumbbell reverse lunges w/DBs at shoulders 


2-3 rounds NFT:

12-15 light banded front raises

16 russian twists 

Tuesday February 18-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 jumping jacks + 12 light banded pass throughs + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]


Every :60 for 12:00

1 power snatch, start light and build so final rep is moderate


4 sets for total burpee reps:

2:00 to complete

250m row for ladies/300m row for men

Max burpees in the remaining time

2:00 rest


3-4 rounds:

:30 flutter kick

:30 rest

:30 windshield wipers

:30 rest


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 jumping jacks + 12 light banded pass throughs + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 10 alternating DB snatches

2nd: :30 plate hops

3rd: :15/side plank


4 sets for total burpee reps:

2:00 to complete

250m row for ladies/300m row for men

Max burpees in the remaining time

2:00 rest


3-4 rounds:

:30 flutter kick

:30 rest

:30 windshield wipers

:30 rest

Wednesday February 19-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating reach overhead + :30 hollow hold + 12 light banded pull aparts]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

3 back squats, 20x1 tempo

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy


For time (15:00 cap)75 double unders or 150 singles



Hang squat cleans, 65/95

Row calories


75 double unders or 150 singles



Accumulate 10-15 hollow to superman


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating reach overhead + :30 hollow hold + 12 light banded pull aparts]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

12 wall ball bear hug squats or sandbag squats, focus on depth

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy


For time (15:00 cap)75 double unders or 150 singles



DB hang squat cleans, 65/95

Row calories


75 double unders or 150 singles



Accumulate 10-15 hollow to superman

Thursday February 20-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank + :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl]


Every :90 for 15:00

1st: 3 halting snatch-grip deadlifts w/:01 pause just below knees on the way up and on the way down

2nd: 8-10 alternating DB Z-press


5 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

10 pull ups

10 ground to overhead, 65/95, this should be light

10 box jumps


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 DB bird dogs

:45 lemon squeezers


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank + :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl]


Every :90 for 15:00

1st: 6-8 dumbbell romanian deadlifts, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 8-10 alternating DB Z-press


5 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

10 ring rows

5/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk

10 box jumps


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 DB bird dogs

:45 lemon squeezers

Friday February 21-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 light goblet squats + 10 PVC pass throughs + 10m crab walk + 10m duck walk]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 1 squat clean, moderate

2nd: :30 kipping practice

3rd: :30 handstand hold


For time, can partition reps any way (16:00 cap)

60 wall balls

60 calories

60 alternating DB snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 knee tuck hang


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 light goblet squats + 10 PVC pass throughs + 10m crab walk + 10m duck walk]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 5 DB squat cleans

2nd: :30 top of ring row hold or chin over bar hold

3rd: :30 handstand hold


For time, can partition reps any way (16:00 cap)

60 wall balls

60 calories

60 alternating DB snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 knee tuck hang

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