Monday February 10 CrossFit
Warm up ( :30 ski, 5 inchworm, 10 air squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar x2)
14 minute emom
1: 4 push press start 45 women and 65 men add each round
2: 8 ring rows
12 minute amrap
3 deadlifts 225/185
6 pull ups
9 box jumps
2-3 rounds NFT:
10 plate raises (hold plate in arms straight in front raise above head and back down to in front)
10 dB lateral raises
40m plate pinch carry
Warm up ( :30 ski, 5 inchworm, 10 air squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar x2)
14 minute emom
1: 4-6 moderate DB push press
2: 4/side 1-arm DB rows, 20x1 tempo
12 minute amrap
6 dual DB deadlifts
12 ring rows
65 single unders
2-3 rounds NFT:
10 plate raises (hold plate in arms straight in front raise above head and back down to in front)
10 dB lateral raises
40m plate pinch carry
Tuesday February 11 CrossFit
Warm up ( 5 kang squats, 10 lunges, :30 Superman x3)
Every :60 for 14:00
1 back squat
Guys start at 95 ladies 65. Can add a max of 20 pounds after each squat until you find a tough single, then stick with that weight for the rest of the EMOM
16 minute emom for total reps, can grip/hold dB any way for step ups and lunges
1: alt dB snatch 50/35
2: single dB step ups 50/35
3: single dB lunges 50/35
4: rest
Not for time
60 trx knee to elbow
Warm up ( 5 kang squats, 10 lunges, :30 Superman x3)
Every :60 for 14:00
1st: 5-7 moderate dumbbell front squats
2nd: :30 plank with feet elevated
16 minute emom for total reps, can grip/hold dB any way for step ups and lunges
1: alt dB snatch
2: single dB step ups
3: single dB lunges
4: rest
Not for time
60 trx knee to elbow
Wednesday February 12 CrossFit
Warm up ( 15 banded good mornings, :30 jump rope practice, 5 box jumps)
14 minutes work at your own pace
3 squats cleans or 3 power cleans and 3 front squats guys can start 95 ladies 65
Can add 10 pounds after each set of cleans
For time (15:00 cap)
Double unders
Sit ups
2 rounds NFT:
1 minute row bike or ski
10 strict toes to bar
Warm up ( 15 banded good mornings, :30 jump rope practice, 5 box jumps)
14:00@steady pace
20 row/bike/ski cals
20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, tough
2 wall walks
For time (15:00 cap)
Double unders*
Sit ups
If unable to do double unders, perform 100-80-60-40-20 single unders
2 rounds NFT:
1 minute row bike or ski
10 strict toes to bar or hanging knee raises
Thursday February 13 CrossFit
Warm up (3 rounds: 100 m row as fast as possible + 5 inchworms + 20 m Frankenstein)
14 minute working at own pace
5 hang power snatch
5 box jumps
5 toes to bar
For time (16:00 cap)
1000 m row
50 thrusters 95/65
50 kb swings 54/36
Not for time:
:30 flutter kick
:30 leg circles
:30 scissor
:30 leg lifts
Warm up (3 rounds: 100 m row as fast as possible + 5 inchworms + 20 m Frankenstein)
14:00@steady pace
1 mile bike
10 plank ups
40m bear hug carry or dual KB front rack carry
For time (15:00 cap)
1000 m row
50 DB thrusters
50 kettlebell swings
Not for time:
:30 flutter kick
:30 leg circles
:30 scissor
:30 leg lifts
Friday February 14 CrossFit
Warm up ( :30 sitting in bottom of squat, 10 pvc pass through, 10 snatch balance with pvc or barbell )
For 15:00
Build to a heavy front squat, power clean or power snatch, or use time for light technique work.
Get in some skill work during rest (double unders, pull ups, handstand push ups, etc)
For 10:00
2-4-6-8-10-12-14, etc
Wall balls
Not for time
Accumulate :60 L hang
Warm up ( :30 sitting in bottom of squat, 10 pvc pass through, 10 snatch balance with pvc or barbell )
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 10-15 banded pull aparts
2nd: :15-:30 top of ring row hold
3rd: 5 wall ball squat cleans
For 10:00
2-4-6-8-10-12-14, etc
Wall balls
Not for time
Accumulate :60 L hang or knee tuck hang