Monday July 8 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch + :30 jumping jacks + :30 hand-release push ups]
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets)
1st: 5 clean-grip romanian deadlifts, 21x1 tempo
2nd: :30 handstand hold/wall walk hold/10-20m handstand walk
AMRAP in 10:00
18 alternating 1-arm russian kettlebell swings
16 row calories
14 hand-release push ups or handstand push ups
2-3 sets not for time:
10 plank rotations/side
:30 sorensen hold or superman hold
Monday July 8 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m penguin walks, 20 m quad stretch, :30 jumping jacks, :30 hand release push ups
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets):
1st: :45 cleans with wall ball
2nd: :45 Russian twists with wall ball
AMRAP in 10:00:
18 1-arm alt Russian kB swings
16 calories
14 hand release push ups
2-3 sets not for time:
10 plank rotations/side
:30 Sorensen hold or Superman hold
Tuesday July 9 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m broad jumps + 20m jog]
Every 2:30 for 6 sets
Back squat, 3-3-2-2-1-1, building so final set is heavy
For time (15:00 cap)
400m run
50 alternating reverse lunges with DBs at the side, 35/50
40 sit ups with feet anchored underneath dumbbells
30 box jump overs
20 burpees
Not for time:
200m farmers carry, tough
Tuesday July 9 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 air squats, :30 plank, 20 m broad jumps, 20 m jog
Every :60 for 15:00:
1st: 8 dumbbell squats
2nd: 10 dumbbell push press
3rd: :30 hollow hold with dumbbell
For time:
400 m run
50 alt reverse lunges with DBs at side
40 sit ups with feet under dumbbells
30 box jump overs or step overs
20 burpees
Not for time:
200 m Farmers Carry
Wednesday July 10
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 5 inchworms + :30 mountain climbers + 20m bear crawl + 20m jog]
Every :90 for 12:00 (4 sets)
1st: 1 clean pull + 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean
2nd: :45 double under practice
For time:
50 calories
50 hang power cleans, up to 95/135
2-3 sets not for time:
15 GHD sit ups or regular sit ups
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, tough
Wednesday July 10 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 inch worms, :30 mountain climbers, 20 m bear crawl, 20 m jog
For 12:00, steady pace:
20 glute bridges (weighted if possible)
12 bent over dumbbell rows
20 shoulder taps
12 dumbbell thrusters
20 plank marches
For time:
50 calories
50 hang kB cleans
2-3 sets not for time:
15 weighted sit ups
20 m/side 1-arm dB OH carry
Thursday July 11 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [10m duck walk + 10m crab walk + 20m high knees + :30 hang from bar/rings]
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: 5 goblet squats, 33x1 tempo
2nd: :15/side plank
3rd: 15 russian kettlebell swings
13:00 @80% effort, goal is sustainable pace throughout:
400m run or 500m row
15 air squats
12 alternating DB snatches
9 V-ups
2-3 sets not for time:
5/side 1-arm ring rows w/:01 pause at top
12 alternating DB curls
Thursday July 11 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 m duck walk, 10 m crab walk, 20 m high knees, :30 hang from bar or rings
Every :60 for 12:00:
1st: 5 goblet squats 33x1 tempo
2nd: :15/side side plank
3rd: 15 Russian kB swings
13:00 at 80 percent:
400 m run or 500 m row
15 air squats
12 alt DB snatches
9 v ups or tuck ups
2-3 sets not for time:
20 banded tricep extensions
20 alt bicep curls
Friday July 12
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + :30 wrist stretch on ground + :30 plank + 5 strict pull ups or ring rows]
Every :60 for 10:00
1 power snatch, stay light and focus on technique
For time with a partner, (18:00 cap) one person working at a time:
800m run or 1000m row
100 pull ups
100 ground to overhead, light, up to 95/135
800m run or 1000m row
Not for time:
5:00-10:00 mobility, coach led
Friday July 12 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 light kB swings, :30 wrist stretch on ground, :30 plank, 5 strict pull ups or ring rows
For 10:00, steady pace:
15 leg raises with wall ball overhead
12 wall balls
9 overhead squats with band or pvc
For time with partner (18:00 timecap) one person working at a time:
800 m run or 1,000 m row
100 pull ups or ring rows
100 clean and press with DBs or empty barbell
800 m run or 1,000 m row
Not for time:
10-15 minutes mobility (coach led)