July 8 Bootcamp and CF

Monday July 8 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch + :30 jumping jacks + :30 hand-release push ups]


Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets)

1st: 5 clean-grip romanian deadlifts, 21x1 tempo

2nd: :30 handstand hold/wall walk hold/10-20m handstand walk


AMRAP in 10:00

18 alternating 1-arm russian kettlebell swings

16 row calories

14 hand-release push ups or handstand push ups


2-3 sets not for time:

10 plank rotations/side

:30 sorensen hold or superman hold 

Monday July 8 - Bootcamp 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m penguin walks, 20 m quad stretch, :30 jumping jacks, :30 hand release push ups 


Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets): 

1st: :45 cleans with wall ball 

2nd: :45 Russian twists with wall ball 


AMRAP in 10:00: 

18 1-arm alt Russian kB swings

16 calories 

14 hand release push ups 


2-3 sets not for time: 

10 plank rotations/side

:30 Sorensen hold or Superman hold 

Tuesday July 9 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m broad jumps + 20m jog]


Every 2:30 for 6 sets

Back squat, 3-3-2-2-1-1, building so final set is heavy


For time (15:00 cap)

400m run

50 alternating reverse lunges with DBs at the side, 35/50

40 sit ups with feet anchored underneath dumbbells

30 box jump overs

20 burpees


Not for time:

200m farmers carry, tough

Tuesday July 9 - Bootcamp 

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 air squats, :30 plank, 20 m broad jumps, 20 m jog 


Every :60 for 15:00: 

1st: 8 dumbbell squats 

2nd: 10 dumbbell push press 

3rd: :30 hollow hold with dumbbell


For time: 

400 m run

50 alt reverse lunges with DBs at side 

40 sit ups with feet under dumbbells 

30 box jump overs or step overs 

20 burpees 


Not for time: 

200 m Farmers Carry 

Wednesday July 10

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ 5 inchworms + :30 mountain climbers + 20m bear crawl + 20m jog]


Every :90 for 12:00 (4 sets)

1st: 1 clean pull + 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean 

2nd: :45 double under practice


For time:

50 calories

50 hang power cleans, up to 95/135


2-3 sets not for time:

15 GHD sit ups or regular sit ups

20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, tough 

Wednesday July 10 - Bootcamp 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 inch worms, :30 mountain climbers, 20 m bear crawl, 20 m jog 


For 12:00, steady pace: 

20 glute bridges (weighted if possible) 

12 bent over dumbbell rows 

20 shoulder taps 

12 dumbbell thrusters 

20 plank marches 


For time: 

50 calories 

50 hang kB cleans 


2-3 sets not for time: 

15 weighted sit ups 

20 m/side 1-arm dB OH carry 

Thursday July 11 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10m duck walk + 10m crab walk + 20m high knees + :30 hang from bar/rings]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 5 goblet squats, 33x1 tempo 

2nd: :15/side plank

3rd: 15 russian kettlebell swings


13:00 @80% effort, goal is sustainable pace throughout:

400m run or 500m row

15 air squats

12 alternating DB snatches

9 V-ups


2-3 sets not for time:

5/side 1-arm ring rows w/:01 pause at top

12 alternating DB curls 

Thursday July 11 - Bootcamp 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 m duck walk, 10 m crab walk, 20 m high knees, :30 hang from bar or rings


Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 5 goblet squats 33x1 tempo 

2nd: :15/side side plank 

3rd: 15 Russian kB swings 


13:00 at 80 percent: 

400 m run or 500 m row

15 air squats 

12 alt DB snatches 

9 v ups or tuck ups 


2-3 sets not for time: 

20 banded tricep extensions 

20 alt bicep curls 

Friday July 12

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + :30 wrist stretch on ground + :30 plank + 5 strict pull ups or ring rows]


Every :60 for 10:00

1 power snatch, stay light and focus on technique


For time with a partner, (18:00 cap) one person working at a time:

800m run or 1000m row

100 pull ups

100 ground to overhead, light, up to 95/135 

800m run or 1000m row


Not for time:

5:00-10:00 mobility, coach led 

Friday July 12 - Bootcamp 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 light kB swings, :30 wrist stretch on ground, :30 plank, 5 strict pull ups or ring rows 


For 10:00, steady pace: 

15 leg raises with wall ball overhead 

12 wall balls 

9 overhead squats with band or pvc 


For time with partner (18:00 timecap) one person working at a time: 

800 m run or 1,000 m row 

100 pull ups or ring rows 

100 clean and press with DBs or empty barbell

800 m run or 1,000 m row 


Not for time: 

10-15 minutes mobility (coach led) 

July 1 Bootcamp and CF

SCHEDULE NOTICE: There will be ONE class on Thursday, July 4 at 10:00 AM

Monday July 1 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [ 20m quad stretch + 20m penguin walk + :30 air squats + 4 inchworms]


Every 2:00 for 12:00

3 front squats, 22x1 tempo, building so last set is moderate/tough 


For total reps:

5:00 of [400m run + 20 thrusters, 65/95 + max burpees over the bar in remaining time]

3:00 rest

5:00 of [400m run + 20 burpees over the bar + max thrusters in remaining time]


2-3 sets not for time:

:30 flutter kick

10/side banded tricep extension

Monday July 1 - Bootcamp 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [ 20m quad stretch + 20m penguin walk + :30 air squats + 4 inchworms]


Every 2:00 for 12:00

200 m row, 10 air squats 


For total reps:

5:00 of [400m run + 20 dumbbell thrusters + max burpees in remaining time]

3:00 rest

5:00 of [400m run + 20 burpees + max dumbbell thrusters in remaining time]


2-3 sets not for time:

:30 flutter kick

10/side banded tricep extension

Tuesday July 2 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [40m farmers carry + :30 passive hang + :60 jump rope]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 2 push jerks + 1 split jerk

2nd: 40m uneven KB carry (one arm KB farmers carry, one arm KB front rack, switch arms at 20m)


AMRAP in 12:00

16 row/bike/ski calories

6/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks, 35/50

12 pull ups

50 double unders or 100 single unders


2-3 sets not for time:

10 plank rotations/side

10 light DB scap retractions/side

Tuesday July 2 -  Bootcamp 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [40m farmers carry + :30 passive hang + :60 jump rope]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 8 dumbbell push press, 12 shoulder taps from plank 

2nd: :45 weighted sit ups 


AMRAP in 12:00

16 row/bike/ski calories

6/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks

12 ring rows 

100 single unders


2-3 sets not for time:

10 plank rotations/side

:45 glute bridges 

Wednesday July 3 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 alternating lunges + :30 plank march + 20m high knees + 20m bear crawl]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 6-8 R side split squats with bar on back, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 6-8 L side split squats with bar on back, 30x1 tempo

3rd: :30 plank


AMRAP in 9:00

15 russian kettlebell swings, tough

200m run

3 wall walks


3 sets:

:30 hollow rocks

:30 rest

:30 banded lat pull downs

:30 rest

Wednesday July 3 - Bootcamp 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 alternating lunges + :30 plank march + 20m high knees + 20m bear crawl]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 6-8 R side split squats with kb a chest 

2nd: 6-8 L side split squats with kb at chest 

3rd: :30 mountain climbers 


AMRAP in 9:00

15 russian kettlebell swings

200m run

3 wall walks or 5 inch worms 


3 sets:

:30 hollow rocks

:30 rest

:30 banded lat pull downs

:30 rest

Thursday July 4


For time:

50 pull ups

400m run

21 thrusters, 65/95

800m run

21 thrusters, 65/95

400m run

50 pull ups

Friday July 5 - Crossfit 

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [12 alternating toe touches from plank position + 


Every :60 for 10:00

1st: 6 touch and go deadlifts, moderate/tough

2nd: :30 handstand hold or pike plank 


AMRAP in 16:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

150 single unders

40 hang power cleans, up to 65/95

30 hand-release push ups

20 calories

*partners must tag whenever they trade off 


For total calories/reps:

P1- :60 row calories

Partners switch

P1- :60 burpee box jump overs

Partners switch 

Friday July 5 - Bootcamp  

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [12 alternating toe touches from plank position + 


For 10:00, steady pace: 

6 single leg db deadlift/side

8 pistol squats /side to box 

10 knees to elbow 


AMRAP in 16:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

150 single unders

40 hang power cleans (with dumbbells or empty bar)

30 hand-release push ups

20 calories

*partners must tag whenever they trade off 


For total calories/reps:

P1- :60 row calories

Partners switch

P1- :60 burpee box jump overs

Partners switch 

June 24 Bootcamp and CF

Monday 6/24 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds -  5 burpee broad jumps, :30 top of ring row hold, 5 overhead squats w/pvc, 20 m bear crawl


Every :60 for 10:00:

1st: :30 alternating dumbbell snatches

2nd: 100 m run


For time:

Buy in: 100 jump rope

30 dB push press

30 1-arm dB overhead squats (15/side)

30 hand release push ups

Buy out: 100 jump rope


2-3 rounds not for time:

:30 hollow hold, weighted if possible

:30 flutter kicks


Every :60 for 10:00:

1st: 3 power clean singles

2nd: 100 m run


For time (15:00 cap)

Buy in: 100 jump rope

30 power cleans, up to 95/135

30 deadlifts, up to 135/185

30 hand release push ups

Buy out: 100 jump rope


2-3 rounds not for time:

:30 hollow hold, weighted if possible

:30 flutter kicks

Tuesday 6/25 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 banded good mornings, 15 sit ups, 5 inch worms, :30 bar hang


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: :30 goblet squats

2nd: :30 plank rolls

3rd: :30 kB deadlift


20 minute AMRAP:

20 kB swings

20 cal row, bike, or ski

20 knees to elbow or toes to bar


Not for time:

20 clamshells/side

20 quadruped hip extensions/side

20 banded tricep extensions


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 2 back squats, 20x1 tempo

2nd: :30 passive hang from bar or rings

3rd: :30 handstand hold or plank


20 minute AMRAP:

20 kettlebell swings, 35/53

20 cal row, bike, or ski

20 knees to elbow or toes to bar


Not for time:

20 clamshells/side

20 quadruped hip extensions/side

20 banded tricep extensions

Wednesday 6/26 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 wall sit, :30 bottom of push up hold, 10 single leg glute bridges/side, 15 banded pull aparts


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: :30 renegade rows, :30 plank

2nd: :45 weighted sit ups


For time:




Burpees over dumbbells


3 rounds not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

:30 glute bridge hold


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 6-8 pendlay rows, 21x1 tempo

2nd: 40m farmers carry


For time (15:00 cap)


Thrusters, 65/95


Burpees over the bar


3 rounds not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

:30 glute bridge hold

Thursday 6/27 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 hollow hold, 20 m Samson stretch, 20 m high knees, 5 warrior squats


For 12:00, steady pace:

30 mountain climbers

20 m weighted walking lunges

10 cal bike


For time:


DB power cleans

Box jump overs or step overs

Knees to elbow or toes to bar


Not for time:

200 m 1-arm Farmers Carry, switching arms as needed


For 12:00, steady pace:

Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 1 squat clean + 2 front squats

2nd: :45 double under practice


For time (15:00 cap)


Dumbbell squats

Box jump overs or step overs

Knees to elbow or toes to bar


Not for time:

200 m 1-arm DB overhead carry, switch arms as needed  

Friday 6/28 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m death march, 5 suitcase deadlifts/side, 15 banded good mornings, 10 air squats


For 10:00:

Work on barbell deadlift form with light weight


Partner work out, for time:

50 pull ups or ring rows

400 m run (both)

50 wall balls

400 m run (both)

50 double dB snatch

400 m run (both)


2-3 rounds not for time:

:20 side plank/side

20 weighted side bend/side

Every 2:00 for 10:00

5 bench press, 20x1 tempo


Partner work out, for time:

50 pull ups or ring rows

400 m run (both)

50 wall balls

400 m run (both)

50 double dB snatch

400 m run (both)


2-3 rounds not for time:

:20 side plank/side

20 weighted side bend/side

June 17 Bootcamp and CF

Monday 6/17


Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 alt dB snatch or 5 snatch balance, :30 plank, 15 pull aparts, 10 air squats

Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 5 1-arm dB overhead squat/side, 9 push ups

2nd: :45 row, bike, or ski moderate pace


4 rounds for time:

10 double dB snatch

20 weighted sit ups

10 Burpee box jump overs

15 wall balls


Not for time:

200 m Farmers Carry


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 3 squat clean singles, moderate

2nd: :45 strict pull ups, switch between wide grip and normal grip every set, use band if necessary


4 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

10 power snatches, 55/75

20 weighted sit ups

10 Burpee box jump overs

15 wall balls


Not for time:

200 m Farmers Carry

Tuesday 6/18


Warm up: 20 m butt kicks, 20 m bear crawl, 10 hand release push ups, 15 banded forward raises

For 12:00, steady pace:

15 calories

12 Dips off box or bench

9 pistol squats/side to box or bench


15:00 AMRAP:

9 kB sumo deadlift high pull

12 kB swings

9 DB squat cleans

200 m run


Not for time:

Accumulate total of 2:00 flutter kicks

Accumulate total of 50 banded lat pull downs


Every :90 for 12:00

1st: Accumulate 3 split jerk singles, moderate, working on technique

2nd: :45 double under practice


15:00 AMRAP:

9 deadlifts, up to 155/225

12 toes to bar

9 handstand push ups or hand-release push ups

200 m run

Wednesday 6/19


Warm up: 20 m Samson stretch, 20 m high knees, :30 glute bridge, 5 inch worms w/push up

Every 2:00 for 12:00:

1st: 20 m weighted walking lunges + 20 m bear crawl

2nd: :60 weighted step ups


For time: 21-15-9


Ring rows


2-3 rounds not for time:

16 alt bicep curls

20 banded tricep pulls

20 toe touches


Every 2:00 for 12:00:

1st: 10 front rack reverse lunges from floor + :30 plank with hands on barbell

2nd: 20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy


For time:


Thrusters, 65/95

Pull ups


2-3 rounds not for time:

16 alt bicep curls

20 banded tricep pulls

20 toe touches

Thursday 6/20


Warm up: 2 rounds- 10 plate ground to overhead, 5 burpee broad jumps, :30 lateral lunges, 10 pvc pass throughs


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 10 Arnold press/side

2nd: 12 renegade rows


3 rounds for total reps:

:60 dB cleans

:60 plate overhead lunges

:60 burpees

:60 rest


2-3 rounds not for time:

20 banded tricep pulls/side

20 quadruped hip extensions/side

15 lemon squeezers


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 10 Arnold press/side

2nd: 12 renegade rows


3 rounds for total reps:

:60 power cleans, up to 125/175

:60 double unders

:60 burpees over the bar

:60 rest


2-3 rounds not for time:

20 banded tricep pulls/side

20 quadruped hip extensions/side

15 lemon squeezers

Friday 6/21


Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 banded good mornings, 10 alt 1-arm clean and jerk, 15 sit ups, :30 jacks


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 10 kB deadlift

2nd: :30 jump rope

3rd: 10 knees to elbow


Partner up, for time (1 working at a time):

100 cal row

50 clean and jerks

80 cal row

40 clean and jerks


2-3 rounds not for time:

12 single leg glute bridges/side

:30 hollow hold


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 3 snatch-grip deadlifts

2nd: 2 hang power snatches

3rd: 1 power snatch


For time with a partner (15:00 cap)

One person working at a time

100 cal row

50 clean and jerks, up to 95/135

80 cal row

40 clean and jerks


2-3 rounds not for time:

12 single leg glute bridges/side

:30 hollow hold

June 10 Bootcamp and CF

Monday 6/10


Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 side plank rotations, 10 sit ups, 15 good mornings, 15 glute bridges


For 10:00, steady pace:

12 renegade rows (6/side)

10 devils press

8 goblet squats


For time:

18 dB Thrusters

200 m run

15 dB thrusters

200 m run

12 dB thrusters

200 m run

9 dB thrusters

200 m run

6 dB thrusters

200 m run

3 dB thrusters


2-3 rounds not for time:

:30 hollow hold (weighted if possible)

:30 reverse crunches


Every :60 for 10:00

1: 3 back squats, 20x1

2: 20m/side 1-arm farmers carry


For time:

18 thrusters, up to 65/95

200 m run

15 thrusters

200 m run

12 thrusters

200 m run

9 thrusters

200 m run

6 thrusters

200 m run

3 thrusters


2-3 rounds not for time:

:30 hollow hold (weighted if possible)

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy

Tuesday 6/11


Warm up: 15 pvc pass throughs, :30 plank or handstand hold, 20 m bear crawl, 10 m crab walk


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 6- 8 dB strict press

2nd: 8-10 ring rows

3rd: 2-3 wall walks



Box jump overs

Toes to bar or knees to elbow

Push press


3 sets not for time:

15 banded tricep extensions/side

12 alternating db curls


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 6-8 DB bench press, 20x1 tempo

2nd: :30 strict pull ups, use band if necessary

3rd: 2-3 wall walks



Box jump overs

Toes to bar or knees to elbow

Deadlifts, up to 155/225


3 sets not for time:

15 banded tricep extensions/side

12 alternating db curls

Wednesday 6/12


Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m Samson stretch, 10 m quad stretch,:30 lateral lunges, :30 high knees


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 15 wall balls

2nd: 8 pistol squats/side to bench


3 rounds for time:

30 power cleans

30 front rack reverse lunges

500 m row


2-3 sets not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

15 banded pull aparts


Every :90 for 12:00:

1st: 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat

2nd: :30-:45 plank with hands on barbell


3 rounds for time:

14 power cleans, up to 95/135

14 alternating reverse lunges

50 double unders or 100 single unders

500m row or ski


2-3 sets not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

15 banded pull aparts

Thursday 6/13


Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges, 5 squats, 5 push ups, 10 pvc pass throughs


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 6 dumbbell squat cleans

2nd: :30 row, bike, or ski, moderate pace

3rd: :30 flutter kicks


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 6 dB power cleans, 6 push ups

2nd: :30 jump rope

3rd: :30 v-ups


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 10 double dB snatch

2nd: :30 burpees

3rd: :30 plank ups


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 6 dumbbell squat cleans

2nd: :30 row, bike, or ski, moderate pace

3rd: :30 flutter kicks


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 6 dB power cleans, 6 push ups

2nd: :30 jump rope

3rd: :30 v-ups


15:00 EMOM:

1st: 10 double dB snatch

2nd: :30 burpees

3rd: :30 plank ups

Friday 6/14


Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 snatch balance with pvc, 5 overhead squat with pvc, 15 banded forward raises, 15 banded tricep extensions/side


For 10:00, work continuously at moderate pace:

20 m plate overhead lunge

10 calorie bike

20 Russian twists with plate

10 calorie ski


For time:

Buy in: 400 meter run, then:


Alternating DB  snatches

Weighted sit ups

Buy out: 400 meter run


Not for time:

200 m 1-arm overhead dB carry, switch arms as needed

For 10:00

Overhead squat, build to a moderate single or use time to work on light technique work. Focus on arms locked out overhead and deep squat


For time:

Buy in: 400 meter run, then:


Alternating 1-arm DB snatches, 35/50

Weighted sit ups

Bike/ski/row calories

Buy out: 400m run


Not for time:

200 m 1-arm overhead dB carry, switch arms as needed

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