June 3 Bootcamp and CF`

Monday 6/3 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 overhead squats with PVC, 10 PVC pass throughs, 10 ring rows, 20 m high knees


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: :30 double dumbbell snatch

2nd: :30 hanging knees to elbow or leg raises


4 rounds for time:  

15 row, bike, or ski calories

12 alternating dumbbell snatches

9 single arm dumbbell overhead squat / side


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 banded tricep pull downs

15 v ups


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 1 power snatch + 1 hang power snatch

2nd: 6-8 toes to bar


4 rounds for time:  

15 row, bike, or ski calories

12 alternating dumbbell snatches

9 single arm dumbbell overhead squat / side


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 banded tricep pull downs

15 v ups

Tuesday 6/4 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds: 15 banded pull aparts, 20 m bear crawl, 10 m inch worms, 10 m crab walk


Every :90 for 5 rounds:

1st: :30 dumbbell power cleans, directly into :30 push press

2nd: :60 jump rope


For time:

400 m run

15 dumbbell squat cleans

15 pull ups or ring rows

15 burpees

400 m run


Not for time:

Accumulate 50 banded hamstring curls


Every :90 for 5 rounds:

1st: 2 touch and go power cleans + 3 push press

2nd: :60 double under practice


For time:

400 m run

15 squat cleans, up to 95/135

15 pull ups

15 burpees

400 m run


Not for time:

Accumulate 50 banded hamstring curls

Wednesday 6/5 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 squats, 10 m quad stretch, 10 plank rotations/side, 10 alternating torch touches from plank


Every 2:00 for 5 rounds:

100 m run + 10 renegade rows (5/side)


3 rounds for total reps:

:60 wall balls

:60 alternating 1-Arm clean & jerk

:60 burpees

:60 rest


Not for time:

30 shoulder taps

30 mountain climbers

30 toe touches


Every 2:00 for 5 rounds:

100 m run + 10 renegade rows (5/side)


3 rounds for total reps:

:60 wall balls

:60 alternating 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk, 35/50

:60 burpees

:60 rest


Not for time:

30 shoulder taps

30 mountain climbers

30 toe touches

Thursday 6/6 Bootcamp

Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 glute bridges, 15 banded good mornings, 15 sit ups, 20 m walking lunges


For 10:00, working continuously at moderate pace:

10 glute bridge hold dumbbell press

12 alternating deficit reverse lunges off plate, weighted if possible

14 plate ground to overhead


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 For time:

Weighted lunges

Hand release push ups

Box jumps overs or Weighted step overs


2-3 sets not for time:

12 banded lat pull downs

:30 flutter kicks


For 10:00

1: 6-8 moderate goblet squats, 30x0 tempo,

2: :30 plank


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 For time:

Front rack reverse lunges,  

Hand release push ups or handstand push ups if proficient

Box jumps overs


2-3 sets not for time:

12 banded lat pull downs

:30 flutter kicks

Friday 6/7 Bootcamp

2 rounds [10 toe touches from plank position + 10 alternating lunges + :30 sit ups]


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 6 single leg dumbbell deadlift, right

2nd: 6 single leg dumbbell deadlift, left

3td: :30 lateral lunges


27-21-15-9 For time:

Russian Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell deadlift

Weighted sit ups


Accumulate 2:00 plank

Accumulate 2:00 hollow hold


Every :60 for 12:00:

1st: 6 single leg dumbbell deadlift, right

2nd: 6 single leg dumbbell deadlift, left

3td: :30 strict pull ups


27-21-15-9 For time:

Russian Kettlebell swings

Deadlift, 95/135

Weighted sit ups


Accumulate 2:00 plank

Accumulate 2:00 hollow hold

May 27 Bootcamp and CF

Monday May 27


For time:

1 mile run

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 air squats

1 mile run

Partition reps as needed

Tuesday May 28

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 alternating toe touches from plank position + 20m single leg stretch + 20m penguin walk]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: :30 easy bike/row/ski

2nd: :30 hollow hold

3rd: 40m moderate farmers carry


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: :30 single unders

2nd: :30 V-ups

3rd: :30 moderate kettlebell front rack hold


Not for time:

400m cool-down walk, sandbag/wall ball optional

Wednesday May 29

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [ :30 air squats + 12 light banded pull aparts + :30 plank]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 1 power clean + 3 front squats

2nd: :45 gymnastics/skill work practice of choice


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

20 wall balls

200m run w/wall ball

20 sit ups


2-3 sets not for time:

:15/side plank

15 banded tricep pull downs


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [ :30 air squats + 12 light banded pull aparts + :30 plank]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 5 push press + 5 front squats + 2 burpees

2nd: :45 plate hops


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

20 wall balls

200m run w/wall ball

20 sit ups


2-3 sets not for time:

:15/side plank

15 banded tricep pull downs

Thursday May 30

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl + 20m broad jumps]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 6-8 moderate Filly press on R arm

2nd: 6-8 moderate Filly press on L arm

3rd: :30 ab work, coaches choice  


AMRAP in 13:00

400m row or ski

12 burpee box jump overs

12 dumbbell power cleans, 35/50


2-3 sets not for time:

10/side 1-arm DB scap retraction

:30 lemon squeezers


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl + 20m broad jumps]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 12 kb swings

2nd: 5 thrusters (5 seconds up and 5 seconds down/use lighter to moderate weight)

3rd: :30 ab work, coaches choice  


AMRAP in 13:00

400m row or ski

12 burpee box jump overs

12 dumbbell power cleans, 35/50


2-3 sets not for time:

8 per arm 1 arm trx row

:30 lemon squeezers

Friday May 31

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 alternating side lunges + 10m duck walk + 10m crab walk + 20m jog]


For 10:00

Back squat, build to a tough triple


AMRAP in 16:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

20 thrusters, 65/95

400m run

20 pull ups

30 calories


2-3 sets not for time:

20m/side 1-arm heavy farmers carry

:30 plank march


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 alternating side lunges + 10m duck walk + 10m crab walk + 20m jog]


For 10:00 EMOM

8 squats as low as you can go


AMRAP in 16:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

20 thrusters, 65/95

400m run

20 pull ups

30 calories


2-3 sets not for time:

20m/side 1-arm heavy farmers carry

:30 plank march

May 20 Bootcamp and CF

Monday May 20

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank position + 20m burpee broad jumps + 20m penguin walk]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 5 touch and go deadlifts

2nd: :30 double unders

3rd: :30 handstand hold/headstand hold/plank


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

200m run

10 hang power cleans, 65/95

10 burpees over the bar

10 pull ups


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

10 V-ups


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank position + 20m burpee broad jumps + 20m penguin walk]


12 min AMRAP

7 kb RDL

7 kb Deadlift

50 jump rope

1 wall walk or 4 push-ups


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

200m run

10 DB hang power cleans

10 burpees over the db

10 pull ups or ring rows


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 banded lat pull downs

10 V-ups

Tuesday May 21

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar + 15 light kettlebell swings]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat

2nd: :30 strict toes to bar or toes to rings


For time (15:00 cap)

100m farmers carry, tough

50 box jump overs

50 row calories

50 air squats


2-3 sets not for time:

20 russian twists

10/side 1-arm DB scap retractions


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar + 15 light kettlebell swings]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: row easy pace :30 + air squats :30

2nd: :30 strict toes to bar or toes to rings


For time (15:00 cap)

100m farmers carry, tough

50 box jump overs

50 row calories

50 air squats


2-3 sets not for time:

20 russian twists

20 alt cross body knee to elbow (in plank position)

Wednesday May 22

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [6/side 1-arm DB push press + :30 plank + 5 strict pull ups or ring rows]


Every 2:00 for 6 sets:

3 push jerks

:30 hollow hold


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 100m run

2nd: 8 dual DB snatches

3rd: 1 rope climb or 5-8 tough upper pull

4th: :30 sit ups with feet anchored under DBs


Not for time:

Accumulate 60 alternating bicep curls

Accumulate 60 banded tricep pull downs


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [6/side 1-arm DB push press + :30 plank + 5 strict pull ups or ring rows]


Every 2:00 for 6 sets:

8 strict db press heavy

:30 hollow hold


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 100m run

2nd: 8 dual DB snatches (for boot campers give them option of 16 single db snatches if they cant get the rhythm of the double)

3rd: 5-8 tough upper pull

4th: :30 sit ups with feet anchored under DBs


Not for time:

Plank :45 sec

30 banded tricep pull downs

Thursday May 23

row/run/bike@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m lunges + 20m single leg stretch + :30 sit ups]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 6 R leg elevated DB lunges, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 6 L leg elevated DB lunges, 30x1 tempo

3rd: :30 ab work, coaches choice, switch movements each set


AMRAP in 9:00

45 double unders or 90 single unders

6/side 1-arm DB thrusters, 35/50

200m run


Not for time:

Accumulate :60 TRX plank

Accumulate :90 kettlebell front rack hold


row/run/bike@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m lunges + 20m single leg stretch + :30 sit ups]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 10 R leg reverse lunge with knee drive

2nd: 10 L leg reverse lunge with knee drive

3rd: :30 ab work, coaches choice, switch movements each set


AMRAP in 9:00

45 double unders or 90 single unders

6/side 1-arm DB thrusters, 35/50

200m run


Not for time:

Accumulate :60 plank

Accumulate :90 wall sit

Friday May 24

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating dumbbell snatches + 5 inchworms + :30 hand-release push ups]


For 10:00

Power snatch, either build to a heavy single or use time to work on light technique work


AMRAP in 15:00 with a partner, partners trade full movements:

15 calories

15 kettlebell swings, 35/53

15 hand-release push ups or 10 handstand push ups


2-3 sets not for time:

20m/side 1-arm dumbbell overhead carry

:30 flutter kicks

May 6 Bootcamp and CF

Monday May 6

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [15 light banded good mornings + 20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch + 5 inchworms]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 5 clean-grip deadlifts, 31x1 tempo

2nd: :45 easy bike/row/ski, switch machines every round


For time (15:00 cap)

400m run

30 burpees to a plate

400m run

20 burpees to a plate

400m run

10 burpees to a plate


2-3 sets not for time:

12 V-ups

:15/side star plank


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [15 light banded good mornings + 20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch + 5 inchworms]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 10-12 med ball clean + wall ball

2nd: :30 OH Plate Hold (moderate to heavy)


For time (15:00 cap)

400m run

30 burpees to a plate

400m run

20 burpees to a plate

400m run

10 burpees to a plate


2-3 sets not for time:

12 V-ups

:15/side plank

Tuesday May 7

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 air squats w/:01 pause in bottom + 12 hand-release push ups + :20-:30 hang from bar]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 3 back squats, 20x1 tempo, build so last set is tough

2nd: 5-6 1-arm DB shoulder press R side, 30x1 tempo

3rd: 5-6 1-arm DB shoulder press L side, 30x1 tempo


For 9:00

3 squat cleans, up to 95/135

3 pull ups

50 double unders or 100 single unders

6 squat cleans

6 pull ups

50 double unders or 100 singles





3 sets:

:30 plank

:30 rest

:30 superman hold

:30 rest

:30 rest

:30 mountain climbers

:30 rest


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 air squats w/:01 pause in bottom + 12 hand-release push ups + :20-:30 hang from bar]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 12 box squats with light kb (choose box below parallel or hip crease below knees)

2nd: 5-6 1-arm DB shoulder press R side, 30x1 tempo

3rd: 5-6 1-arm DB shoulder press L side, 30x1 tempo


For 9:00

3 DB thrusters

3 pull ups or ring rows

50 double unders or 100 single unders

6 DB thrusters

6 pull ups or ring rows

50 double unders or 100 singles





3 sets:

:30 plank

:30 rest

:30 superman hold

:30 rest

:30 mountain climbers

:30 rest

Wednesday May 8

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m broad jumps + 20m bear crawl + :30 strict


Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 2 power cleans + 2 hang power cleans

2nd: 6-10 strict toes to bar or knees to elbows


AMRAP in 12:00

16 row calories

6/side 1-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks, 35/50

16 box jump overs


Not for time:

200m farmers carry or sandbag carry

200m 1-arm DB overhead carry, switch arms when needed


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m broad jumps + 20m bear crawl + :30 strict pull ups)


Emom in 12:00

1: 10 goblet squats

2: 20 reverse crunches/lemon squeezers

3: :30 flutter kick


AMRAP in 12:00

16 row calories

6/side 1-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks, 35/50

16 box jump overs (or stack plates to make a smaller box)


Not for time:

2 rounds

20 trx knee to elbow

:30 plank

Thursday May 9

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [:30 handstand hold + 20m lunges + 20m quad stretch + :15/side plank]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 10 alternating reverse front rack lunges

2nd: 6-8 bent over dumbbell rows, 20x1 tempo

3rd: :30 handstand push ups or wall walks


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

300m run

20 wall balls

20 kettlebell swings, 35/53


2-3 sets not for time:

14 banded curls

:30 flutter kicks


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [:30 handstand hold/pike handstand/ elevated feet plank + 20m lunges + 20m quad stretch + :15/side plank]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 10m oh plate lunges (moderate to heavy)

2nd: :30 top of trx row hold

3rd: :30 handstand push ups or wall walks or elevated feet push ups or hrpu


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

300m run

20 wall balls (20/14)

20 kettlebell swings, 35/53


2-3 sets not for time:

14 banded curls

14 banded tricep pull downs

:30 flutter kicks

Friday May 10

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 hand-release push ups + :30 handstand hold + :30 sit ups]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 10-12 dumbbell bench press, 20x1 tempo

2nd: 1-2 rope climbs or 8-10 strict pull ups


For time (15:00 cap)

50 sit ups w/feet anchored under dumbbells

40 dumbbell push press, 35/50

30 calories

20 toes to bar

10 wall walks


2-3 sets not for time:

20 russian twists

12 light dumbbell reverse flys


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 100 m sprint/jog/fastwalk

2nd: 12 DB bench press with glute bridge


For time (15:00 cap)

50 sit ups w/feet anchored under dumbbells

40 dumbbell push press, 35/50

30 calories

20 toes to bar

10 wall walks or 23 hand release push ups


2-3 sets not for time:

20 russian twists

:15 leg lift hold with med ball between feet  

April 29 Bootcamp and CF

Monday April 29

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m walking lunges + 20m jog]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 4 back squats, 20x1 tempo
2nd: :30 handstand hold or pike plank (feet up on box)


AMRAP in 10:00

12 1-arm DB thrusters, switch arms when needed

12 burpees over your dumbbell

300m run or 350m row/ski


2-3 sets not for time:

:15/side plank

10 back extensions


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m walking lunges + 20m jog]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: :30 wall sit with kb (keep back flat on wall don’t round over kb)
2nd: :30 handstand hold or pike plank (feet up on box)


AMRAP 10:00

12 1-arm DB thrusters, switch arms when needed

12 burpees over your dumbbell

300m run or 350m row/ski


2-3 sets not for time:

:15/side plank

10 back extensions or 20 glute bridge if not comfortable with ghd

Tuesday April 30

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ 15 banded good mornings + :30 sit ups + 20m penguin walk + 20m high knees]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 5-6 1-leg DB or KB romanian deadlifts R side, 31x1 tempo

2nd: 5-6 1-leg DB or KB romanian deadlifts L side, 31x1

3rd: :30 hollow rocks


For time (15:00 cap)

500m row/ski

21 power cleans, up to 95/135

21 sit ups

500m row/ski

15 power cleans

15 sit ups

500m row/ski

9 power cleans

9 sit ups


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 weighted plank


2 rounds of [ 15 banded good mornings + :30 sit ups + 20m penguin walk + 20m high knees]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: :45 glute bridge hold

2nd: 10 m reverse lunges

3rd: :30 hollow rocks


For time (15:00 cap)

500m row/ski

21 db power clean

21 sit ups

500m row/ski

15 db power cleans

15 sit ups

500m row/ski

9 db power cleans

9 sit ups


Not for time:

Accumulate 2 minute plank with feet on box

Wednesday May 1

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 light dumbbell squats + 20m broad jumps + 20m bear crawl + 10 alternating side lunges]


A. 10:00 to either build to a heavy squat clean and split jerk OR use time for LIGHT technique work if still new to this lift. Get in some double under practice during your rest


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 12 wall balls

2nd: 40m farmers carry, tough

3rd: 8/10 calories bike/row/ski

4th: 10-12 toes to bar or hanging knee raises


3 sets not for time:

12-15 hip extensions

14 alternating bicep curls


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 light dumbbell squats + 20m broad jumps + 20m bear crawl + 10 alternating side lunges]


10 minute AMRAP at steady pace

1 min row/ski/bike

10 m spiderman

10 m bearcrawl (hips low)

1 min bike/row/ski

15 kb swings

5 box jumps


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 12 wall balls

2nd: 40m farmers carry, tough

3rd: 8/10 calories bike/row/ski

4th: 10-12 toes to bar or hanging knee raises


3 sets not for time:

:20 hollow hold

15 lemon squeezers

Thursday May 2

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating DB snatches +


Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 2-3 power snatches, quick reset between reps, stay light/moderate and focus on good form

2nd: :45 ab work, switch movements every set (V-ups, flutter kicks, leg raises, plank march)


For time (15:00 cap)

50 calories row/bike/ski

50 alternating DB snatches, 35/50

50 step ups holding DB any way


2-3 sets not for time:

10/side 1-arm DB scap retractions

15 light banded lat pull downs


row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of (10 alternating DB snatches + :30 jumping jacks + 6 inchworms)


Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 12 dumbbell push jerk

2nd: :45 ab work, switch movements every set (V-ups, flutter kicks, leg raises, plank march)


For time (15:00 cap)

50 calories row/bike/ski

50 alternating DB snatches, 35/50

50 step ups holding DB any way


2-3 sets not for time:

10 / side Renegade row

15 banded tricep pull downs

Friday May 3

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [:30 jumping squats + 5 strict pull ups or ring rows + 20m quad stretch + 20m walking lunge]


AMRAP in 18:00 with a partner, one person working at a time, partners must tag when trading off

400m run

20 pull ups

30 front squats from the floor, up to 95/135


5:00 rest


For 5:00 with partner, one person working at a time:

Max calories


Not for time with partner:

Accumulate 80 hollow rocks between both partners, partner not doing hollow rock must be holding a plank

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