Monday 6/17
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 alt dB snatch or 5 snatch balance, :30 plank, 15 pull aparts, 10 air squats
Every :90 for 12:00:
1st: 5 1-arm dB overhead squat/side, 9 push ups
2nd: :45 row, bike, or ski moderate pace
4 rounds for time:
10 double dB snatch
20 weighted sit ups
10 Burpee box jump overs
15 wall balls
Not for time:
200 m Farmers Carry
Every :90 for 12:00:
1st: 3 squat clean singles, moderate
2nd: :45 strict pull ups, switch between wide grip and normal grip every set, use band if necessary
4 rounds for time (15:00 cap)
10 power snatches, 55/75
20 weighted sit ups
10 Burpee box jump overs
15 wall balls
Not for time:
200 m Farmers Carry
Tuesday 6/18
Warm up: 20 m butt kicks, 20 m bear crawl, 10 hand release push ups, 15 banded forward raises
For 12:00, steady pace:
15 calories
12 Dips off box or bench
9 pistol squats/side to box or bench
15:00 AMRAP:
9 kB sumo deadlift high pull
12 kB swings
9 DB squat cleans
200 m run
Not for time:
Accumulate total of 2:00 flutter kicks
Accumulate total of 50 banded lat pull downs
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: Accumulate 3 split jerk singles, moderate, working on technique
2nd: :45 double under practice
15:00 AMRAP:
9 deadlifts, up to 155/225
12 toes to bar
9 handstand push ups or hand-release push ups
200 m run
Wednesday 6/19
Warm up: 20 m Samson stretch, 20 m high knees, :30 glute bridge, 5 inch worms w/push up
Every 2:00 for 12:00:
1st: 20 m weighted walking lunges + 20 m bear crawl
2nd: :60 weighted step ups
For time: 21-15-9
Ring rows
2-3 rounds not for time:
16 alt bicep curls
20 banded tricep pulls
20 toe touches
Every 2:00 for 12:00:
1st: 10 front rack reverse lunges from floor + :30 plank with hands on barbell
2nd: 20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy
For time:
Thrusters, 65/95
Pull ups
2-3 rounds not for time:
16 alt bicep curls
20 banded tricep pulls
20 toe touches
Thursday 6/20
Warm up: 2 rounds- 10 plate ground to overhead, 5 burpee broad jumps, :30 lateral lunges, 10 pvc pass throughs
Every :90 for 12:00:
1st: 10 Arnold press/side
2nd: 12 renegade rows
3 rounds for total reps:
:60 dB cleans
:60 plate overhead lunges
:60 burpees
:60 rest
2-3 rounds not for time:
20 banded tricep pulls/side
20 quadruped hip extensions/side
15 lemon squeezers
Every :90 for 12:00:
1st: 10 Arnold press/side
2nd: 12 renegade rows
3 rounds for total reps:
:60 power cleans, up to 125/175
:60 double unders
:60 burpees over the bar
:60 rest
2-3 rounds not for time:
20 banded tricep pulls/side
20 quadruped hip extensions/side
15 lemon squeezers
Friday 6/21
Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 banded good mornings, 10 alt 1-arm clean and jerk, 15 sit ups, :30 jacks
Every :60 for 12:00:
1st: 10 kB deadlift
2nd: :30 jump rope
3rd: 10 knees to elbow
Partner up, for time (1 working at a time):
100 cal row
50 clean and jerks
80 cal row
40 clean and jerks
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 single leg glute bridges/side
:30 hollow hold
Every :60 for 12:00:
1st: 3 snatch-grip deadlifts
2nd: 2 hang power snatches
3rd: 1 power snatch
For time with a partner (15:00 cap)
One person working at a time
100 cal row
50 clean and jerks, up to 95/135
80 cal row
40 clean and jerks
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 single leg glute bridges/side
:30 hollow hold