Monday, 9/28
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 m death march + 10 m walking lunges + :30 squat hold + 20 m quad stretch + 10 kip swings
In 15:00, complete 4-5 rounds of the following, alternating between movements each round:
1st: 6-8 Barbell overhead lunges (no heavier than 95/135, or use plate)
2nd: One of the following gymnastics complexes:
4 toes to bar + 2 pull-ups + 1 muscle up
2 toes to bar + 4 pull-ups
4 kip swings + 6 toes to bar knees to elbow
14:00 AMRAP:
10 Calorie row or ski
10 HSPU or pike push-ups or HRPU
1 Front squat (95/135)
*Increase front squat by 1 rep each round
30 single leg deadlift/side (1 KB, hold in opposite hand of stabilizing leg)
Tuesday, 9/29
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 15 sit ups + 10 plank ups + 8 v-ups + 10 pass throughs + 5 push ups
12:00 EMOM:
1st: 8 1-arm DB floor press, right
2nd: 8 1-arm DB floor press, left
3rd: :40 Alternating 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk (35/50)
For time:
400 m run or 25 cal bike
20 Power cleans (95/135)
300 m run or 20 cal bike
15 Power cleans (105/155)
200 m run or 15 cal bike
10 Power cleans (115/175)
100 m run or 10 cal bike
5 power cleans (125/195)
*Don’t worry if you cannot hit the above weight, the goal is just to build a little each round if possible
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 2:00 seated hamstring stretch, breathe through it
Wednesday, 9/30
Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 back squat + 10 m Spider-Man stretch + :30 reverse plank + 10 split stance squats/side
*Add some weight during each round of your warm-up squats, if possible
In 14:00:
Continue building in weight until you hit 65% 1RM back squat if possible, then complete:
Tempo back squats (3131) @ 65% 1RM
4 rounds for total reps:
:60 Wall balls (14/20)
:60 Double unders
:60 Pull-ups or ring rows
:60 rest
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 50 banded pull aparts
Accumulate 50 banded lat pull downs
Thursday, 10/1
Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 hollow hold + 20 shoulder taps + 12 banded bent over rows + :30 plate overhead hold + :30 t-spine stretch
In 14:00, complete 3-5 rounds of the following:
200 m 1-arm DB or KB Farmer’s carry (35/50, switching arms as needed)
6 strict toes to bar or knee raises
4 Turkish get ups (2/side, start light and build each round)
For Time:
DB Deadlifts
Burpees over DB’s
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 40-50 barbell bicep curls (35/45), or 40 dual DB curls
Friday, 10/2
Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 chest opening stretch + 10 overhead squats w/pvc + 10 around the worlds w/ pvc + 5 push ups into downward dog
In 14:00:
Curtis P’s (1 Curtis P = 1 power clean + 1 lunge/leg + 1 push press; increase weight each round if possible
*Get 2 wall walks (or 5 pike to plank from box) between sets
In teams of 2, you go, I go
20:00 Max distance row
At min 0 & 10 - 30 Clean and jerks
At min 5 and 15 - 30 Snatches
*Start work out with clean and jerks
** Only 1 partner working at a time, including row
***Weight no heavier than 75/115
Accessory (optional):
Give your partner a fist bump, use some hand sani, and have a great weekend!
Saturday, 10/3
Warm up: 2 rounds - :45 pigeon stretch/side + 10 good mornings + 10 kip swings + 10 hanging knee raises + :30 plate hops
15:00 EMOM:
1st: 15 KB swings
2nd: 12 Step-ups (1 DB or KB@35/50
3rd: 9 Toes to bar or knees to elbows
Rest 5:00
15:00 EMOM:
1st: 15 V-ups or sit-ups
2nd: 12 Goblet squats (same weight as above)
3rd: 9 calorie bike or ski
Accumulate 2:00 battle ropes