Monday, October 5th

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 3 power cleans with :03 pause above knees + 3 push press (start w/empty bar, add a little weight each round if possible) + 5 push-ups into downward dog + 10 alternating Samson stretch


Every :90, for 8 rounds: 

Build to moderate/heavy complex - 

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 jerk or split jerk 

*With the cleans, make sure to maintain straight arms until you have cleared hips 


12:00 AMRAP: 

40 Double unders or 80 singles 

20 Single DB reverse lunges (35/50)

20 Alternating DB snatch 

*Hold DB however you want for lunges - goblet, shoulder, or side position, switching it up as needed 

Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 30 plank ups + :60 plank 

Tuesday, October 6th

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 wall sit + 20 m alternating quad stretch + 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 5 back squats with empty barbell 


In 12:00, complete the following back squat sequence: 

5 reps @50% 1RM, 3 reps @60% 1RM, and 1 rep @70% 1RM.  Then, complete 15-20 back squats at 75% 1RM


On a 6:00 running clock: 

40 Sit-ups 

60 Wall balls 

Rest the remaining of the time, and then go directly into: 

On a 6:00 running clock: 

40 Sit-ups 

40 Burpees 

Rest the remainder of the time, and then finish with: 

On a 6:00 running clock: 

40 Sit-ups 

60 Wall balls 

*Complete the work within the sets in any order, athlete’s choice (e.g., on the first set, athlete may choose 4 rounds of 10 sit-ups and 15 wall balls)


Accumulate 2:00 Sorensen hold or Superman hold 

Wednesday, October 7th

Warm-up: :60 squat hold w/alternating thoracic rotation +  2 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + 10 banded bent over rows + :30 plate hops + 10 kips swings 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5 Bent over rows/side 

2nd: 10 Box jumps (Shh  🤫🤫🤫focus on soft landing)



3 rounds for time: 

400 m run

21 KB swings (35/53)

12 Pull-ups 

*Benchmark times - Beginner 15-17 min; Intermediate 11-14 min; Advanced 9-10 min; Elite < 8 min

**KB swings are American, meaning you will go overhead 


Accumulate 50 banded lat pull-downs 

Thursday, October 8th

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 pvc pass throughs + 10 pvc around the worlds + 10 overhead squats with pvc + :30 t-spine stretch 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: :45 Bike or ski (moderate pace) 

2nd: 3 Muscle snatches + 3 overhead squats + 3 Sotts press w/empty barbell or pvc for all movements (no heavier than 35/45) 


12 Hang squat snatches (or hang power snatch + OHS) (65/75)

24 calorie row 

15 Hang squat snatch (or hang power snatch + OHS) (65/75)

30 calorie row 

18 Hang squat snatch (or hang power snatch + OHS) (65/75)

36 calorie row 


Accumulate 2:00 side plank/side, weighted if possible 

Friday, October 9th

Warm-up: :60 pigeon stretch/side + 3 rounds - 5 Deadlifts, starting with empty bar, and building a little each round + 10 banded good mornings + :30 glute bridge hold 


In 15:00, complete the following: 

Build to a tough set of 5 touch-and-go banded deadlifts 

*:30 plank on barbell between sets 


10:00 AMRAP: 

24/30 Calorie bike 

30 Toes-to-bar or knees to elbow 

30 Push-ups 

Max deadlifts in remaining time (155/225) 


Accumulate 30-50 barbell glute bridges 

Saturday, October 10th

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 20 banded lat pull-downs + :30 plank + 30 mountain climbers + 20 m walking lunges + :30 seated hamstring stretch 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 8 Front rack reverse lunges (95/135)

2nd: 5 Strict pull-ups or 8 kipping pull-ups 



Double unders 

Hang squat cleans (95/135)

*200 m run after each round (end with run) 


Accumulate 100 sit ups 

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