Monday, June 29

Warm up:  2 rounds - 6 single leg deadlift/side (no weight, focus on tight and controlled scale position) + 10 back squats with PVC + 10 around the worlds with PVC + 12 plank ups


Every :90 for 5 rounds: 

1st: Back squat, building to 85-90% 1 RM by last set (e.g.,10@60%, 8@70%,6@75%,4@80%,2@85%), OR stay light/moderate to work on form, OR use DBs, following similar rep scheme, increasing weight if possible.

2nd: 5 Single leg KB or DB Deadlift/side (hold 1 weight in opposite hand of stabilizing foot, weight should touch near toes). 


4 rounds (2:00 on/1:00 off): 

2 rounds of 3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 shoulder to overhead (no heavier than 95/135, or use dumbbells, no heavier than 35/50)

In remaining time, AMRAP burpees over bar or dumbbells 

*Score is total number of burpees 


200 meter 1-arm Farmer carry, switching arms as needed 

Tuesday, June 30

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 banded side steps + 15 quadruped hip extensions/side + 10 jumping squats + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 6 inch worms with push up 


For 15:00: 

Work to moderate snatch or stay light and work on perfecting the movement.  In between lifts, work on a gymnastics skill of choice (e.g., kipping pull ups, muscle ups, wall walks, handstand walks, handstand hold etc…)


Alternate between the following, at a very steady pace: 

12 alternating DB snatch 

:45 basic gymnastics movement (e.g. hollow plank, pressing spine to ceiling, kipping from bar, Superman hold, etc…..)

WOD (15:00 timecap): 

For time, 40-30-20-10

Kettlebell swings 

Double unders or 80-60-40-20 singles 

Wall balls 

*10 v-ups after each set (e.g., after you complete 40 of all 3 movements, do v-ups) 


Accumulate 2:00 front rack KB hold 

Wednesday, July 1

Warm up: 3 rounds - :30 plank to downward dog + 20 m spiderman stretch + :45 row, bike, or ski + 5 burpees 


Every :60 for 10:00: 

1st: 5-7 strict pull ups (:03 pause with chin above bar), or :20 top of ring row hold 

2nd: :30 hollow body rocks or hollow hold 


4 rounds for time: 

10 push jerk (no heavier than 95/135, or use DB’s) 

400 meter run 

10 HSPU or pike push ups or HRPU 


2-3 rounds: 

:30 star plank or side plank/side (drop bottom knee to modify; keep hips high) 

Thursday, July 2

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 meter toy soldiers + 20 m high knees + :20 kipping + :30 flutter kicks + :30 shoulder stretch (coaches choice) 


Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00):  

1st: 6 1-arm overhead DB lunges/side (35/50 for competitive athlete) 

2nd: :45 kipping toes to bar 


21:00 AMRAP: 

21 sit ups 

15 hang power snatch (65/95) or 20 alternating DB snatch (no heavier than 35/50)

21 sit ups 

15 hang squat clean (65/95) or 15 DB hang squat clean (no heavier than 35/50)


Accumulate 50 banded bent over rows 

Friday, July 3 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 push ups + 10 ring rows + 200 m run with wall ball + 15 banded good mornings 


For 15:00: 

Bench press - Work to tough triple (barbell or DB’s) 

*12 banded pull aparts between sets - focus on straight arms, and slow, deliberate pulls


“Christine” - 20:00 timecap 

3 rounds: 

500 meter row or ski, or 24 cal bike 

12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight for competitive athlete) or double KB deadlifts 

21 Box jumps or step ups 


Accumulate 3:00 plank marches 

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