
400 m walk or jog 

50 bicep curls

50 lunges

50 press

50 clungers 

Monday Murph prep

Run 400

10 rounds 

2 pull up 

5 push up 

10 squats

Run 400 

3 ab holds for one minute each choose any 3


Reverse plank

Hollow hold

Side plank 



Hollow rock 


3 rounds 

10 freestyle

10 breast stroke

10 Superman

15 minute amrap

Go up and back down stairs

5 burpees 

20 kb or object swings

10 oh press or push ups 

8 Turkish get ups 

Stretch for 10-15 minutes 


Bottom of squat hold for a total of 2-3 minutes

Use this time to practice being comfortable and feeling strong 

Pvc or towel pass through 15

Oh squats practice. Use a towel or pvc and let’s practice. 10 minutes 

Will post videos for modifications 

3 rounds

30 oh squat w pvc or towel 

30 push ups

30 box jump/90 jump rope/ jumps for height 

Cool down walk 400 m

Find 2 new stretches and implement them into your routine for the rest of the week 


1 min hamstring stretch 

10 walk outs (push up position and back to standing)

10 Plank to downward dog 


10 rounds take your time no rush 

1 narrow push up 

1 normal push up 

1 wide push up 

Emom 20 minutes

Work for whole minute count reps

1 shoulder taps

2 reverse crunch 

3 squat with side kick 

4 up down planks 

5 rest


2 rounds 

Runner strides

10 1 leg squat to lowest bench you can

10 walk outs 

Murph prep 

.5 mile run 

5 round 

5 pull up 

10 push up 

15 squats

.5 mile run 

100 sit ups

Every time you break :20 plank and 10 push ups 

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