Monday April 27
3 rounds as warm up:
5 air squats w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead
10 alternating toe touches from plank position
10 big arm circles forward + 10 big arm circles backward
Every :60 for 16:00
1st:10-15 goblet squats or dumbbell squats (or LIGHT front squats with barbell)
2nd: :30 hollow hold
3rd: :30 jumping jacks
4th: :30 superman hold
3 rounds for time:
20 alternating reverse goblet lunges (holding DB or KB at chest)
10 burpees
20 air squats
10 burpees
2-3 rounds NFT:
12 leg raises
20 shoulder taps in plank position or in handstand position against wall
Tuesday April 28
3 rounds as warm up:
8 good mornings
:15-:30 side plank per side
:30 pec stretch per side
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 6-8/side 1-arm dumbbell/KB Z-press, 20x1 tempo (2 seconds on the way down, 1 second pause at the top)
2nd: :45 solid strict pull up accumulation, use band if necessary. If no pull up bar, do banded pull downs or bent over KB/DB/barbell rows. Focus on engaging the lats with every row/pull
15:00@steady pace
400m run/500m row/20 burpees
15 kettlebell/dumbbell swings or 15 very light power cleans
15 box jumps or 30 jumping jacks
3 sets:
:30 sit ups
:30 rest
:30 mountain climbers
:30 rest
Wednesday April 29
3 rounds as warm up:
:30 alternating side lunges
:45 flutter kicks
100m jog or 150m row
4-6 sets:
8-10 dumbbell/wall ball/barbell squat cleans, LIGHT, touch and go (don’t let go of bar or put dumbbells down
:60 rest
:30-:60 plank
:60 rest
AMRAP in 12:00
30 double unders or 60 single unders or 60 jumping jacks
16 DB/barbell thrusters/wall balls
30 double unders or 60 single unders or 60 jumping jacks
8 V-ups
400m cool down walk
Thursday April 30
3 rounds as warm up:
1-2 wall walks
:10-:15 star plank per side
10-15 light banded pass throughs
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
5-7 DB/KB/barbell romanian deadlifts, 31x1 tempo (3 seconds down, 1 second at the bottom hovering right at the shins, 1 second at the top)
:30 handstand hold or plank with feet elevated
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
10 shoulder to overhead w/DBs or barbell
200m run or row/60 single unders
2-3 rounds NFT:
12 weight oblique bends per side using DB/KB/moderate object
10 scap push ups w/:01 pause each rep
Friday May 1
3 rounds as warm up:
:30 bottom of squat hold
:15-:30 hang from pull up bar or 10 big arm circles
5 hand-release push ups or 5 light DB push press per arm
Every :60 for 10:00
1st: :30 strict toes to bar/hanging knee raises/leg raises
2nd: 30 meter farmers carry
For 20:00
800m run or 1000m row
AMRAP in remaining time:
5 pull ups or bent over rows
10 push ups
15 squats
2-3 rounds NFT:
20 russian twists w/light DB or light object
12-15 banded pull aparts