
Jacked by june

20 push ups in a row or as many as possible 5 times throughout the day 

3 rounds

4 Turkish get up (2 per side) 

8 kang squat 

5 rounds 

(5 per leg) 

10 weighted reverse ( front rack/goblet style/ or with object)

10 bodyweight reverse lunge 

6 min amrap 

5 burpees

10 jumping squats 

15 oh press 

Rest 3 min 

3 min amrap 



Accumulate 2 minutes in bottom of your squat

Accumulate 2 minutes of plank

5 rounds

:20 hollow hold

15 reverse crunches

10 toe touches (laying on back feet up in air0

5 V ups

EMOM for 9 mins (x2)

1: alt jump split squat or split squat 

2: clean/db clean/med ball clean/object

3: oh press with bar/db/med ball/object

Rest for 2 mins and repeat 


3 rounds

10 Pvc or Towel Overhead squat

10 pvc or towel pass throughs

:20 superman hold

5 rounds

1 minute to do as many squats as possible (MAKE SURE THEY COUNT)

Rest 1 minute 

15 min amrap 

1 wall walk or 3 hspu or 5 push ups 

5 air squats

7 sit ups


5 minutes of cardio machine or 5 minutes of 

50 jump rope or jumping jacks (25 double unders)

10 air squats 

50 jump rope or jumping jacks

5 push ups

10 rounds (can do running or on bike or cardio machine)

Run 1 minute sprint 10 seconds 


2 rounds 

Runner strides

Murph prep 

.5 mile run 

10 round 

5 pull up 

10 squats

.5 mile run 

.5 mile cool down 

9 min emom

1 :30 high knees :30 rest

2 :30 lunges :30 rest

3 :30 hollow rocks :30 rest

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