Monday April 20
3 rounds as warm up:
14 alternating reverse lunges
5 V-ups
5 glute bridges to sit ups
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 12 reverse alternating lunges w/DBs/KB/barbell on shoulders
2nd: :30 bent knee hollow rocks
3rd: :30 steady box jump overs or :30 jumping jacks if no box
AMRAP in 10:00
14 goblet squats or air squats
14 T-hand release push ups (bring hands out to the side then bring them back in before each push up)
200m run/250m row/12 burpees
Accumulate :60/side star plank
Accumulate 2:00 superman hold
Tuesday April 21
3 rounds as warm up:
10 good mornings
10 banded pass throughs or 10 big arms circles
5 jumping squats
3-5 sets:
10/side 1-arm DB or KB push press (use your legs!) with a :01 pause at the top
:60 rest
12 tricep dips off bench/chair/box
:60 rest
3 rounds for time:
21 deadlifts (moderate barbell/KB/DB. Do good mornings if no weight)
21 bar-facing burpees
21 sit ups
2-3 rounds NFT:
:30 handstand hold/pike plank with feet on box/regular plank
6-8 external rotations/side (use either VERY LIGHT WEIGHT or water bottle, something light)
Wednesday April 22
3 rounds as warm up:
12 air squats
:30 seated straddle stretch
:30 flutter kicks
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 6-10 dumbbell front squats/barbell front squats, 3030 tempo (3 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
2nd: :45 double unders/single unders or :45 jumping jacks
3 sets for total reps:
:60 wall balls/thrusters/air squats
:60 pull ups/bent over DB/KB/barbell rows
:60 wall walks or plank ups (4 plank ups=1 wall walk)
:60 rest
2-3 rounds NFT:
4 plank rotations per side
40m farmers carry with DB/KBs/water jugs/whatever you have to hold per hand!
Thursday April 23
3 rounds as warm up:
5 no push up burpees
:30/side pec stretch
10 toe touches
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 2-4 power clean singles, build so last set is tough/moderate (if no barbell, 8 kettlebell swings)
2nd: :30 alternating single leg V-ups
3rd: 10m/side 1-arm DB/KB overhead carry (or use moderate object)
For time:
20 burpees
40 alternating DB snatches or 20 moderate power cleans
20 burpees
40 alternating 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks or 20 moderate shoulder to overhead with barbell
20 burpees
Accumulate 60 russian twists
Accumulate 80 alternating DB/KB/barbell curls
Friday April 24
3 rounds as warm up:
12 alternating side lunges
:45 mountain climbers
:45 sit ups
Every 2:00 for 6 sets:
:30 bottom of a squat hold (focus on solid depth)
3-6 strict pull ups OR 3-6 bent over KB/DB rows per side
2 rounds for time:
15 thrusters (use light DBs/KBs/barbell)
200m run or :60 jumping jacks
15 toes to bar/knee raises/leg raises on ground
200m run or :60 jumping jacks
Easy 400m cool down walk