Monday April 13

3 rounds as warm up:

12 alternating toe touches from plank position 

:30 jumping jacks

:30 flutter kicks


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 8 touch and go deadlifts, moderate (use barbell, DBs, KBs. If no weight, do 8 slow good mornings)

2nd: :30 hollow hold 

3rd: 100m jog/:30 jump rope/:30 lateral jumps


For time (15:00 cap)

100 double unders or 100 single unders

21 burpees

75 double unders or 75 single unders

15 burpees

50 double unders or 50 single unders

9 burpees

*if you do not have a jump rope, do 50-35-20 jumping jacks


2-3 rounds NFT:

8 V-ups

10/side quadruped hip extensions 

Tuesday April 14

3 rounds as warm up:

6 squat w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead

6 plank rotations per side

10 hand-release push ups


5 sets:

6-8 goblet squats or light front squats, 33x1 tempo (3 seconds down, 3 seconds in the bottom) 

:60 rest

:15/side star plank

:60 rest


AMRAP in 12:00

15 wall balls OR 10 light thrusters w/barbell or DBs

15 sit ups

200m run/250m row/10 burpees


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 cat cows

:30-:45 weight overhead hold (use weight, DBs, or KBs)

Wednesday April 15

3 rounds as warm up:

:30 mountain climbers

:30 flutter kicks

:30 jumping jacks

:30 rest


5 sets:

1-arm DB or KB standing shoulder press, 8 per side (barbell=8 strict press)

If no weights, do 8 slow and controlled push ups

:60 rest

4-6 strict toes to bar/strict hanging knee raises/leg raises on ground

:60 rest


4 sets for total reps:

:30 strict handstand push ups or hand-release push ups

:30 rest

:30 windshield wipers

:30 rest

:30 kettlebell swings/dumbbell power cleans/barbell power cleans, 65/95

:30 rest



400m cool-down walk, make it a farmers carry if you want to be extra

Thursday April 16

3 rounds as warm up:

100m run/150m row or 7 burpees

10 alternating reverse lunges

12 banded pass throughs


Every :60 for 10:00

1st: 6 split squats on L leg (hold DBs, KBs, or barbell on back, or do unweighted), 30x1 tempo (3 seconds down, explode up. You should be going MUCH SLOWER than the guy in the video)

2nd: 6 split squats on R leg, 30x1 tempo


Every :60 for 10:00

1st: :30 russian twists w/light DB/KB, no weight is okay too!

2nd: 8-10 glute bridges w/:01 pause at top


2 rounds for time:

75 air squats

50 alternating DB snatches/KB snatches/empty barbell snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 1-arm DB/KB scap retractions per side

:30 crunches

Friday April 17

3 rounds as warm up:

10 toe touches

:30 seated straddle stretch 

2 wall walks


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: :45 handstand walk practice/handstand hold practice/plank if you’re not comfortable going inverted

2nd: :45 double under practice/:45 single unders/:45 jumping jacks


3 rounds @ steady pace: 

400m run/500m row/20 burpees

3 wall walks 

15 box jump overs/15 lateral jumps over barbell/DB/KB/odd object

3 wall walks


2-3 rounds NFT:

:30 superman hold

15 curls w/DBs/KBs/barbell/laundry detergent or whatever odd objects you have!

Saturday April 18th

A) 3 rounds as warm up:

:30 mountain climbers

:30 flutter kicks

:30 Samson Stretch

B) EMOM for 8 Min

Min 1: 10 Box Jumps

Min 2: 100 M “Sprint”

C) 7 rounds of

25' Hand Stand Walk or 5 Walk outs

20 Pistols (alternating) you can do these off a chair or bench

25' Hand Stand Walk or 5 Walk outs

15 KB/DB/Bookbag Swings 32/24kg

25' Hand Stand Walk or 5 Walk outs

Rest 1:1

D) 35 Sliding Leg Curls

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