Monday 3/23 

Equipment needed: jump rope + object to press overhead 

Warm up: 3 rounds - 20 step ups + 10 fire hydrants/side + 20 plank marches 


Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: :30 plank rotations right 

2nd: :30 plank rotations left 

3rd: 40 m carry with heavy object (can be your child 👶)


5 rounds for time: 

45 double unders or 90 singles 

25 sit ups 

15 push press (with dumbbells, barbell, or other object - points awarded for creativity)


.5 mile brisk walk for cool down 

Tuesday 3/24 

Equipment needed: Row equipment - get creative 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 lunges + 100 m jog or walk + 20 shoulder taps from plank 


For 10:00, steady pace: 

15 runner starts/side (see video)

10 plank ups 


For time: 

1 mile run or brisk walk 

50 air squats 

40 rows (see video - use surface at home, tree branch, trx, or dumbbells) 

30 burpees 

1 mile run or brisk walk 


3 rounds not for time:

15 hollow rocks 

25 glute bridges 

Wednesday 3/25 

Equipment needed: box or chair 

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 side lunges + :30 Samson stretch + :30 jacks + :30 quad stretch 


Every :60 for 10:00: 

1st: :30 hollow rocks 

2nd: :30 straight leg sit ups 


12:00 AMRAP: 

10 alternating reverse lunge RDL 

1 walk walk or pike to plank walk outs from box or chair 

10 alternating reverse lunges RDL

2 wall walks 

10 alternating reverse lunges RDL

3 wall walks 

….continue +1 on wall walks 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 75 tricep dips from chair 

Thursday 3/26 

Equipment needed: jump rope and chair 

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 pec stretch on door frame, :30 handstand hold or plank, 6 squats with reach 


Every :90 for 5 rounds: 

1st: :45 Double under practice or lateral hops 

2nd: 12 alternating pistol squats 


For time: 

20 push ups

1 sit up

19 push ups 

2 sit ups

18 push ups 

3 sit ups 

….continue until 1 push up, 20 sit ups 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 3:00 plank 

Friday 3/27 

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 child’s pose, :30 frog stretch, :30 pigeon stretch/side, 10 frog jumps 


Every :60 for 10:00: 

1st: :30 Superman hold

2nd: :30 hollow hold 


For time: 


Kettle Bell Swings/Dbell swings/book bag swings (Ill make a video) 

Mountain climbers 


Accumulate 100 quadruped hip extensions/side 

Saturday 3/28 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 lunges + 100 m jog or walk + 20 shoulder taps from plank 


Move through each mvt 6-8 times There’s a video right below here but it’s not showing a preview. Just click the dead space.


EMOM For 30 Min : 

Min 1: 5 Thrusters + 5 Pull Ups or any upper body pulling movement

Min 2: 10 Sit Ups + 5 Burpees

Min 3: 40 Double Unders or Jumping jacks


1 mile walk/jog


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