Monday, March 30

Warm up: 3 rounds - :30 jacks + 15 sit ups + 5 inch worms with push up 


Every :60 for 5 rounds: 

1st: :20-:30 L-sit or tuck up (pressing between two chairs) or hollow hold 

2nd: 12 wall balls (or whatever ball you can find) or thrusters


3:00 work, 2:00 rest for 5 rounds: 

400 m run

Max DB push press


3 rounds not for time: 

12 tricep kickbacks

:30 Superman hold 

Tuesday, March 31

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 reverse crunches + 15 air squats + 10 side lunges + 20 quadruped hip extensions/side 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 10-12 split stance lunges, right (weighed if possible) + :30 flutter kicks 

2nd: 10-12 split stance lunges, left + :30 flutter kicks 


10 rounds for time: 

5 reverse burpees (hold dumbbell if you want an extra challenge)

10 power cleans

15 hollow rocks 

20 step ups (weighted if possible) 


Not for time: 

Accumulate a total of 75 dual dumbbell (or barbell) bicep curls 

Wednesday, April 1

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 mountain climbers + 10 Samson stretch + :30 pigeon stretch/side + :30 handstand hold or plank 


Every :90 for 5 rounds: 

1st: 12 bent over rows 

2nd: 9 single leg RDL/side 


For time: 


Handstand push ups or hand release push ups 

Wall walks or pike to plank walk outs from chair


Pistol squats 


3 rounds not for time: 

:30 side plank/side

30 glute bridges, weighted 

Thursday, April 2 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 6 plank ups + :30 pec stretch + 10 lunges + :30 lateral hops 


For 10:00, steady pace: 

12 DB bench press from floor 

10 dips from chair


36:00 EMOM: 

1st: :40 DB squats 

2nd: :40 DB alternating reverse lunges 

3rd: :40 double unders or singles 

4th: :40 dumbbell press

5th: Max wall sit 

6th: Rest 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 3:00 plank 

Accululate 3:00 weighted glute bridge hold 

Friday, April 3 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 good mornings + 6 squats with reach + 10 Spider-Man stretches (5/side) 


4 rounds, steady pace: 

20 alternating dumbbell snatches 

40 mountain climbers 


For time: 



Sit ups 

Deadlift (DB, Barbell, KB, or get creative)

Rest 3:00



Sit ups 



Not for time: 

Accumulate 60 fire hydrants/side 

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