Monday, March 2nd - CrossFit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 7 OHS with pvc, 10 m duck walk, 10 m crab walk, :30 shoulder taps 


Every :90 for 8 rounds: 

1 power snatch + 1 OHS 


1 squat snatch - build to tough single or work on form


For time: 

30 wall balls 

15 power snatch (65/95) 

30 wall balls

15 power cleans 

30 wall balls 


2-3 rounds not for time: 

:30 plank with forearms on wall ball 

20 Sit ups with wall ball 

Monday, March 2nd - Bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 7 OHS with pvc, 10 m duck walk, 10 m crab walk, :30 shoulder taps 


Every :90 for 8 rounds: 

10 alt dB snatch 

10 alt lunges 

:15 hollow hold 


For time: 

30 wall balls 

30 alt dB snatch 

30 wall balls

30 dB power cleans 

30 wall balls 


2-3 rounds not for time: 

:30 plank with forearms on wall ball 

20 Sit ups with wall ball 

Tuesday, March 3rd - CrossFit 

Warm up: :60 row run bike or ski + 2 rounds - 10 plank ups, 20 m bear crawl, :30 pec stretch, 15 good mornings 


Every 2:30 for 5 rounds: 

5 strict pull ups or 3 muscle ups + 8-10 HSPU, inverted push ups, or 12-15 HRPU 


4 rounds for time: 

15 calorie row, bike, or ski 

12 deadlift (no heavier than 225/155) 

9 bar-facing burpees 


2-3 rounds not for time:

20 banded pull aparts 

20 banded tricep pulls 

Tuesday, March 3rd - Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row run bike or ski + 2 rounds - 10 plank ups, 20 m bear crawl, :30 pec stretch, 15 good mornings 


Every 2:30 for 5 rounds: 

40 m farmer carry

5 strict pull ups or 10 ring rows 

10 hrpu

:15 L hang 


4 rounds for time: 

15 calorie row, bike, or ski 

12 kb deadlift heavy 

9 bar-facing burpees 


2-3 rounds not for time:

20 banded pull aparts 

20 banded tricep pulls 

Wednesday, March 4th - CrossFit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, 5 squats with reach, 20 m high knees, 20 m quad stretch 


For 12:00, steady pace: 

5 front squats at 65% 1RM

:30 hollow hold, weighted if possible 


For time: 


Hang power cleans (no heavier than 95/135) 

*25 double unders after each round 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 75 glute bridges with barbell 

Wednesday, March 4th - Bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, 5 squats with reach, 20 m high knees, 20 m quad stretch 


12 min emom 

1: 5 dB squats 3x11 pace 

2: :30 hollow hold 


For time: 


DB hang Hang power cleans heavy 

*50 jump rope after each round 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 75 glute bridges with barbell 

Thursday, March 5th - Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 pigeon stretch, :30 mountain climbers, 5 inch worms with push up, 8 split stance squats/side 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 12 dumbbell walking lunges (50/35) 

2nd: 14/10 calorie bike sprint 


16:00 AMRAP: 

14 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/50) 

12 box jumps 

8 toes to bar 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 50-60 GHD hip extensions, reverse hypers, or quadruped hip extensions/side

Thursday, March 5th - Bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 pigeon stretch, :30 mountain climbers, 5 inch worms with push up, 8 split stance squats/side 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 12 dumbbell walking lunges 

2nd: 14/10 calorie bike sprint 


16:00 AMRAP: 

14 alternating dumbbell snatches 

12 box jumps 

8 toes to bar or knee to elbow 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 50-60 GHD hip extensions, reverse hypers, or quadruped hip extensions/side

Friday, March 6th - Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 10 ring rows, 15 DB plank pull throughs, 15 banded forward raises 


For 14:00: 

Build to tough split jerk, push jerk, or bench press.  Add some skill work into rest (e.g., double unders, ring dips, kipping, etc…)



KB swings 

Pull ups 

*200 m run after each round 


3 rounds not for time: 

:30 flutter kicks 

:30 wall sit 

:30 weighted plank 

Friday, March 6th - Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 10 ring rows, 15 DB plank pull throughs, 15 banded forward raises 


For 14:00: 

Work on barbell technique if your trying to graduate to CrossFit. Or build yo heavy dB bench press or dB overhead press.  Add some skill work into rest (e.g., double unders, ring dips, kipping, etc…)



KB swings 

Pull ups 

*200 m run after each round 


3 rounds not for time: 

:30 flutter kicks 

:30 wall sit 

:30 weighted plank

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