Monday March 9 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - :30 side lunges, 15 banded forward raises, 15 pull aparts, 20 m banded steps/side
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: :30 Cossack squats with KB
2nd: :30 KB swings
:90 on/:60 off for 3 rounds, score is total number of burpees:
20 alternating DB snatches + AMRAP burpees
:60 rest
20 wall balls + AMRAP burpees
:60 rest
2 rounds not for time:
15 v-ups
20 side bends/side
Monday March 9 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - :30 side lunges, 15 banded forward raises, 15 pull aparts, 20 m banded steps/side
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: :30 side lunges (no weight)
2nd: :30 KB swings
:90 on/:60 off for 3 rounds, score is total number of burpees:
20 alternating DB snatches + AMRAP burpees
:60 rest
20 wall balls + AMRAP burpees
:60 rest
2 rounds not for time:
15 v-ups
20 side bends/side
Tuesday March 10 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, :30 couch stretch/side, 5 squats, 5 jumping squats, 5 push ups
Every 2:00 for 12:00:
1 power clean + 1 cluster (work to tough set)
10:00 AMRAP:
1 toes to bar
1 box jump
1 DB hang clean (35/50)
2 toes to bar
2 box jumps
2 DB hang cleans
*Continue +1 rep pattern until time
2-3 rounds not for time:
30 mountain climbers
20 hollow rocks
10 plank ups
Tuesday March 10 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, :30 couch stretch/side, 5 squats, 5 jumping squats, 5 push ups
Every 2:00 for 12:00:
12 renegade rows + 9 DB push press + 6 plank rotations/side
10:00 AMRAP:
1 knees to elbow
1 box jump or step up
1 DB hang clean
2 knees to elbow
2 box jumps or step ups
2 DB hang cleans
*Continue +1 rep pattern until time
2-3 rounds not for time:
30 mountain climbers
20 hollow rocks
10 plank ups
Wednesday March 11 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 shoulder taps, 15 banded tricep extensions/side, 10 ring rows, :30 pec stretch
Every :90 for 3 rounds:
1st: 7-10 HSPU or pike push ups from box
2nd: 5 -7 ring dips or dips off GHD (use band if necessary)
3rd: :45 double unders
For time - 21-15-9:
Sit ups
Snatch (65/95)
Pull ups
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 Barbell bicep curls (35/45)
Wednesday March 11 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 shoulder taps, 15 banded tricep extensions/side, 10 ring rows, :30 pec stretch
Every :90 for 3 rounds:
1st: :30 hand release push ups
2nd: :30 dips off box
3rd: :45 jump rope
For time - 21-15-9:
Sit ups
Double DB snatch
Ring rows
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 dual DB bicep curls
Thursday March 12 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges, 20 m bear crawl, 15 ground to overhead with plate, 20 Russian twists with plate
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 4 Back squats @ 75-80% 1RM
2nd: 40 m dual DB or KB overhead carry
20:00 EMOM:
1st: 100 m run
2nd: 10 push press (no heavier than 95/135)
3rd: 20 single alternating leg v-ups
4th: 10 front rack lunges (no heavier than 95/135)
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 barbell glute bridges
:30 side plank/side with dumbbell
Thursday March 12 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski, or run + 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges, 20 m bear crawl, 15 ground to overhead with plate, 20 Russian twists with plate
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
6 goblet squats + :30 plate overhead hold
20:00 EMOM:
1st: 100 m run or 150 m row
2nd: 10 DB push press
3rd: 20 single alternating leg v-ups
4th: 10 DB front rack lunges
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 barbell glute bridges
:30 side plank/side with dumbbell
Friday March 13 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, run, bike, or ski + 2 rounds - 12 good mornings, :30 handstand hold or plank, 6 squats with reach, 15 sit ups
For 14:00, steady pace:
5 Deadlift @ 65-70% 1 RM
5 strict pull ups with :03 pause with chin over bar
:30 plank with hands on barbell
AMREPS in 16:00, score is calories:
30 squat cleans (no heavier than 135/95)
20 calories
20 squat cleans
20 calories
10 squat cleans
Max calories in remaining time
Not for time:
Accumulate 60-70 hamstring curls
Friday March 13 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, run, bike, or ski + 2 rounds - 12 good mornings, :30 handstand hold or plank, 6 squats with reach, 15 sit ups
For 14:00, steady pace:
10 dumbbell or double KB deadlift
8 ring rows, :03 pause at top
:30 hollow hold
AMREPS in 16:00, score is calories:
30 DB squat cleans
20 calories
20 DB squat cleans
20 calories
10 DB squat cleans
Max calories in remaining time
Not for time:
Accumulate 60-70 hamstring curls