Monday February 24
Warm up ( :30 wrist stretch, 5 inchworms,15 band pull aparts , 200 m ski) x2
14 min emom
1: 2 front squat + 4 reverse lunges
2: 2 pull ups + 4 push ups
15 minute time cap
Partition anyway
100 lunges body weight
50 calories
50 push press 95/65
Plank on Swiss ball or medicine ball for :60
Warm up ( :30 wrist stretch, 5 inchworms,15 band pull aparts , 200 m ski) x2
14 min emom
1: 2 dumbbell front squats + 4 alternating reverse lunges
2: :30 hand-release push ups
15 minute time cap
Partition anyway
100 lunges body weight
50 calories
50 dumbbell push press
Plank on Swiss ball or medicine ball for :60
Tuesday February 25
Warm up ( 25 du or 50 singles, 150 m ski or row, 20 m bear crawl) x2
14 min
Find heavy clean and jerk
11 minute time cap
Goal is to finish before cap but not under 5 unless you are rx
thrusters 95/65
pull ups
10 m leg drag
:30 handstand hold or plank
Warm up ( 25 du or 50 singles, 150 m ski or row, 20 m bear crawl) x2
14:00@steady pace
300m row
:15/side star plank
3 wall walks
11 minute time cap
Goal is to finish before cap but not under 5 unless you are rx
DB thrusters
Pull ups or ring rows
2-3 rounds NFT:
10 m leg drag
:30 handstand hold or plank
Wednesday February 26
Warm up ( 20 m Sampson, :20 handstand, 10 pvc pass throughs)
12 minute emom
1 hang snatch high pull + 1 hang snatch or power snatch with oh squat
For time
2 rounds
10 snatches
20 oh squats
30 wall balls
3 rounds
30 Russian twist
15 sit ups
Warm up ( 20 m Sampson, :20 handstand, 10 pvc pass throughs)
12 minute emom
1st: :30 jump rope
2nd: 8 DB hang power cleans
3rd: 20m tough farmers carry
For time
2 rounds
10 alternating DB snatches
15 calories
30 sit ups
2-3 rounds NFT:
30 Russian twist
12-15 banded lat pull downs
Thursday February 27
Warm up ( 20 m frankenstien, 20 m skip for height, 20 m skip for distance, 5 burpees)
Every :90 for 12 mins
1: 350/300 m row
2: 10 dB bench press as heavy as possible
6 rounds for time
5 handstand push ips
10 burpees
20 air squats
10 cal ski
:20 hollow
10 v ups
10 toe touches
Warm up ( 20 m frankenstien, 20 m skip for height, 20 m skip for distance, 5 burpees)
Every :90 for 12 mins
1: 350/300 m row
2: 10 DB bench press
6 rounds for time
5 hand-release push ups
10 burpees
20 air squats
10 cal ski
:20 hollow
10 v ups
10 toe touches
Friday February 28
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [ :30 jumping jacks + 20m bear crawl + 20m penguin walk + :30 plank]
+For 14:00
Build to a heavy power snatch OR split jerk OR power clean, get in some gymnastics skill work during
Partner workout
14 minute workout
250 m row while other partner planks
20 kb swings while other partner holds wall sit
30 alt box jumps (can use different boxes)
2 rounds
20 banded curls
20 banded tricep press downs