Monday, October 12

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 chest passes w/wall ball + 5 muscle cleans w/press (empty bar) + 5 muscle snatches (empty bar) + :30 chest opening stretch


In 15:00, work to complete the following sequence: 


Bench press, building each round if possible 

*:30 hollow rocks between rounds 


For Time: 

30 Clean and jerks (75/115)

15 Power snatches (75/115)

*Every minute, perform 5 toes-to-bar or knees to elbow

**Start the work-out with toes-to-bar 

Accessory (optional): 

2-3 rounds - 20 banded standing punches/side with rotation 

Tuesday, October 13

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 plank + 10 alternating quad stretches (holding for :03) + :30 plank ups + 5 fronts squats w/empty barbell 


In 14:00, complete 4-5 sets of the following: 

12/15 Calorie bike 

:30 Banded side steps 

10 Pendlay rows (weight is athlete’s choice)

:30 Banded glute bridges 


3 rounds for time: 

50 Double unders (or 100 singles)

40 Front squats (65/95)

30 V-ups (or alternating single leg v-ups)

20 Alternating lunges (no weight) 


Accumulate 2:00 Superman hold 

Wednesday, October 14

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + 10 banded pull aparts + 10 bootstrappers + 5 burpee broad jumps 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: :45 work on gymnastics skill of choice (e.g., handstand hold, handstand walking, muscle ups, kipping, toes-to-bar, etc)

2nd: :45 Box jumps or step ups (If jumping, continue to focus on soft landing)


18:00 EMOM: 

1st: 10 Touch-and-go deadlifts (155/225)

2nd: 10 Pull-ups 

3rd: 10 Lateral burpees over bar 

*Scale as needed to assure you get at least :10 rest


Accumulate 30 rotational med ball slams

Thursday, October 15

Warm-up: :60 squat hold with alternating reach + 3 rounds - 20 m high knees + 20 m toy soldiers + 20 m bear crawl


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: :40 Sprint - row, run, bike, or ski, 

2nd: :40 Smooth double unders or single unders.  


“The Chief”

Five 3:00 AMRAPs 

3 Power cleans (95/135)

6 Push-ups 

9 Air squats    

*Rest 1:00 between each round 


2-3 rounds, try to complete each round unbroken: 

:20 flutter kicks + :20 hollow hold + :20 sit-ups 

Rest between sets 

Friday, October 16

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 20 banded side steps + 8 Cossack squats (no weight) + 10 pass throughs + 10 kip swings + 10 m Samson stretch + 10 m inch worms 


In 15:00, complete 4-5 rounds, for quality, with empty barbell: 

10 Cossack squats (back rack)

10 Overhead squats (3131 tempo)

20 DB seesaw rows (no heavier than 35/50) 


In 2:00, complete: 

8 Thrusters (75/115)

8 Toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 

Max calories in remaining time 

*Complete 5 rounds 

**Rest :60 between rounds

Accessory (optional): 

50 weighted side bends/side

Saturday, October 17

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 20 m skip for height + 20 m death march + 1 Turkish get-up with light weight + 5 push-ups + 5 burpees 


In 14:00, complete 5-6 rounds of the following: 

1 Power clean + 1 squat clean (build in weight if possible)

1 Turkish get up/side 


16:00 AMRAP: 

400 Meter run 

20 KB swings 

2 Handstand push-ups 

*Add 2 HSPU each round 

**Pike push-ups from box or HRPU to scale

Accessory (optional): 

Tabata set (:20 on, :10 rest for 8 rounds in 4:00)

Alternate between plank and mountain climbers 

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