Monday April 15 - Crossfit
2 rounds (:60 row, 10 m inchworm, 10 m lunges)
12 DB Snatches (50/35)
16 Single DB Box step up (24”/20”) (50/35)
20 Single Arm DB press (10 per side) (50/35)
12 minutes to build to Heaviest Unbroken Deadlift
Not For Time
20 m leg pull
30 sit ups
Monday April 15 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - :60 row, 10 m inch worms, 10 m lunges
12 minute AMRAP:
12 DB snatches
16 single DB step ups
20 single arm DB press
For 12:00, steady pace:
12 kB deadlifts
16 toe touches
20 weighted glute bridge
Not for time:
30 side bends per side
30 pendlay rows with empty barbell
Tuesday April 16 - Crossfit
2 rounds of [10 wall squats, 15 light kb swings, 10 broad jumps]
Complete a set every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
1 Deadlift +1 power clean + 1 thruster
60 Jump rope or 30 Double unders
For Time
Run 200 m
4 rounds
15 wall balls
10 Box Jumps
5 pull ups
Run 200 m
3-4 rounds not for time
:15 sorenson hold
10 hollow rocks
Tuesday April 16 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 wall squats, 15 light kB swings, 10 broad jumps
Every 2:00 for 10:00:
:30 DB power cleans, :30 DB thrusters (complete :60 work, rest :60)
For time:
Run 200 m, then:
4 rounds
15 wall balls
10 box jumps
5 pull ups
Then, run 200m
3-4 rounds:
:30 arrested Superman hold
10 hollow rocks
Wednesday April 17 - Crossfit
2 rounds (5 walk outs with push up, 10 m high knee, 10 m butt kick, 10 m bear crawl, 10 m crab walk)
5 rounds (45/25)
6 burpees
10 m overhead plate lunges
3 burpees
10 m overhead plate lunges
10 plate to overhead
12 min EMOM
1: 100 m run
2: 7 thruster (95/65)
3: 5 pull ups
3 sets for time rest 1 minute between sets
10 toe touches
:20 hollow hold
10 toe touches
Wednesday April 17 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 walk outs with push up, 10 m high knees, 10 m butt kicks, 10 m bear crawl, 10 m crab walk
5 rounds:
6 burpees
10 m oh plate lunges
3 burpees
10 m oh plate lunges
10 ground to overhead
12 minute EMOM:
1: 100 m run
2: 8 dB push press
3: 10 push ups
3 sets not for time:
15 trx knees to chest
15 Russian twists
Thursday April 18 - Crossfit
2 rounds of [ 10 pvc pass thru, 10 banded tricep extensions, :30 handstand hold or modified handstand hold ]
10 minutes to build to heavy complex
1 strict press + 1 push press + 1 split jerk
3 rounds for time:
200 m run or 250 row if its raining
16 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 toes to bar
4 burpees
accumulate :60 flutter kick
40 shoulder taps
Thursday April 18 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 banded tricep extensions, :30 plank
For 10:00, steady pace:
9 ring rows
12 hollow rocks
15 kB swings
3 rounds for time:
200 m run or 250 m row
16 sumo kB sumo deadlift high pull
10 knees to elbow
4 burpees
Not for time:
Accumulate a total of 50 glute bridge dB press
Friday April 19 - Crossfit and Bootcamp
500 m ski, 500 m row, .5 mile bike
Teams of 2 one person working at a time
60 calories row
60 calories ski
60 calories bike
10 minute time cap
150 wall balls ( choose a ball you can complete 150 during the 10 minutes. If you are not using a target throw as high as you can like there is a target!)
- Accumulate 2:00 plank on bosu or swiss ball
- Accumulate 2:00 plank pull throughs with kB