Monday April 8 Crossfit
2 rounds (20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 wall sit)
every :60 for 10:00
1: 7 back squats (choose weight where you have at least: 30 rest)
2: 3 strict chest to bar pull ups
For time (15:00 cap)
7 rounds
5 goblet squat
15 OH press with KBs
20 step ups with KBs
3 rounds
10 trx pike
20 trx knee to elbows
Monday April 8 Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds- 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 wall sit
Every :60 for 10:00:
1: :30 jumping squats
2: 5-7 inverted barbell pull ups from rig
7 rounds for time (15:00 time cap):
5 goblet squats
15 OH press with kb’s
20 step ups with kb’s
Not for time:
Accumulate a total of 100 toe touches
Tuesday April 9 Crossfit
2 rounds of [10 scap pull ups, 5 walk outs, 5 push ups]
14 minute to find a heavy set
1 power clean + 2 front squat + 1 jerk
12 minute amrap
200 m run
20 KBS
10 push ups
2-3 rounds
10 ghd
20 sit up
:30 plank
Tuesday April 9 Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 scap pull ups, 5 walk outs, 5 push ups
For 14:00, working at at a moderate pace:
21 cal bike
18 Russian twists with wall ball
15 sit ups with wall ball
12 wall balls
12:00 AMRAP:
200 m run
12 kbs
10 push ups
2-3 rounds not for time:
10 fire hydrants/side
15 quadruped hip extensions/side
:30 Superman hold
Wednesday April 10 Crossfit
2 rounds (10 ghd, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 broad jumps)
15 min EMOM
1: 3 squat snatch (start light keep adding as comforatable)
2: :40 double under
3: :40 row/bike/ski
For Time
1000 m row
db snatch
accumulate 1 minute side plank per side
50 russian twist
Wednesday April 10 Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 GHD, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 broad jumps
15:00 EMOM:
1: :30 push press
2: :40 jump rope
3: 100 m run
For time:
1,000 m row, then
DB Snatch
3 rounds not for time:
10 dumbbell external rotations (watch wrists, don’t let them fall back, keep hand in line with forearm)
20 banded tricep extensions / side
Thursday April 11 Crossfit
2 rounds of [ :30 jumping jacks + 10 hand-release push ups + 10 banded good mornings]
12 min amrap
10 box jumps
10 oh press (just the bar)
20 m bearcrawl
1 min ski
2 rounds
400 m run
200 m farmer carry
15 clean and jerk (95/65)
accumumlate 1 min hollow hold
20 hollow rocks
Thursday April 11 Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 jacks, 10 HRPU, 10 banded good mornings
12:00 AMRAP:
10 box jumps or step ups
10 oh press
20 m bearcrawl
:60 row, bike, or ski
2 rounds:
400 m run
200 m FC
15 plate ground to overhead
Accumulate :60 hollow hold and 20 hollow rocks
Friday April 12 Crossfit
2 rounds ( 1 min bike, 1 min ski, 1 min row )
12 minutes to find heavy thruster
8 minute
how far can you row?
8 minutes to see how far you can row. Winner of the week will receive prize from mystic chungus
3 rounds
L sit as long as possible for yourself
Friday April 12 Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - :60 row, :60 bike, :60 ski
12:00 EMOM:
1: 8 dumbbell thrusters
2: :30 plank ups
8 minute gym challenge
How far can you row?
3 rounds:
10 bent over rows/side
10 hamstring curls with exercise ball
:40 shoulder taps, try to rock as little as possible