Monday April 22 - Crossfit
2 rounds (15 banded good mornings, 10 pvc pass throughs, 5 push ups)
!4: minute EMOM
1: 1 power snatch + 3 OH squats
2: :30 double under practice
13 minute amrap
200 m run or 250 m row
8 squat cleans
8 pull ups
8 burpees
3-4 rounds
40 m farmer carry
20 hollow rocks
Monday April 22 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 banded good mornings, 10 pvc pass throughs, 5 push ups
For 14:00 working at steady pace:
25 toe touches
20 dumbbell snatches
15 kettlebell swings
10 1-arm dumbbell overhead squat (5/side)
13:00 AMRAP:
200 m run or 250 m row
8 dumbbell squat cleans
8 pull ups
8 burpees
3-4 rounds:
:30 fire hydrant right
:30 fire hydrant left
:30 quadruped hip extensions right
:30 quadruped hip extensions left
Tuesday April 23 - Crossfit
2 rounds of [ 10 light goblet squats W/ :03 pause at bottom, 10 scap pull ups, 10 t spine stretch ]
1: 14 kb swings
2: 7 push ups
3: 14 air squat
1: 60 jump rope or 30 double under ( stop at :45 if you havent finished reps)
2: 5 Front Squat (135/95)
2 rounds not for time
20 reverse crunches
20 toe touches
Tuesday April 23 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 light goblet squats with :03 pause at bottom, 10 scap pull ups, 10 t spine stretch
EMOM 15:00:
1: :30 weighted glute bridge with plate
2: :30 3-point row right
3: :30 -point row left
EMOM 12:00:
1: 60 jump rope
2: :30 dumbbell push press
2 rounds not for time:
12 trx knees to elbow
10 windmills/side
Wednesday April 24
2 rounds (20 m lunges with pvc overhead in snatch grip, 5 inchworms, 20 m bear crawl)
12 min AMRAP
200 m run or 250 m row
10 hang power clean (65/45)
20 m lunges
5 pull ups
12 min EMOM
1: 100 m run
2: 7 thruster (95/65)
3: 5 pull ups
3-4 rounds
10 straight leg raises
:20 hollow hold
Wedesday April 25 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m lunge with pvc oh wide grip, 5 inch worms, 20 m bear crawl
12:00 AMRAP:
200 m run or 250 m row or ski
10 dumbbell cleans
20 m lunges
5 pull ups or ring rows
12:00 EMOM:
1: :30 devils press
2: :30 dumbbell thrusters
3: :30 alternating dumbbell bicep curls
2 rounds
30 shoulder taps
30 dead bugs
Thursday April 25 - CrossFit
2 rounds of [10/side 1-leg glute bridges + 10 jumps for height + :30 wrist stretch for front rack positioning ]
12 minutes to build to heaviest 4 front squats
5 rounds
9 burpees
12 power clean (95/65)
15 wall ball
2-3 rounds
:30 handstand hold
10 trx pike
Thursday April 25 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10/side single leg glute bridge, 10 jumping squats, :30 wrist stretch
For 12:00:
:60 deficit reverse lunges, weighted if possible
:60 bike
:60 weighted step ups
:60 rest
5 rounds for time:
9 burpees
12 dumbbell clean and press
15 wall balls
3 rounds
:20 hollow hold
:20 flutter kicks
:20 rest
Friday April 26 - Crossfit
2 rounds ( 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 10 m broad jumps)
14 minute EMOM
1: 5 unbroken deadlifts
2: :30 box jumps or plate jumps
For time, 14 minute time cap:
200 m run
20 pull ups
200 m run
20 hang snatch (65/45)
200 m run
20 db snatches (50/35)
200 m run
2 rounds
25 sit ups
200 m farmer carry
Friday April 26 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 10 m broad jumps
14:00 EMOM:
1: 10 dumbbell deadlifts
2: :30 box jumps or plate jumps
For time, 14:00 time cap:
200 m run
20 ring rows
200 m run
20 1-arm thrusters right
200 m run
20 1-arm thrusters left
200 m run
2 rounds not for time:
25 weighted sit ups
200 m Farmers