Welcome to our fitfam Emily, Michael, Garry, Jeff, Paige, Aric, Amy, Kara, Shannon, Kyra!! We are excited to train with you!
during warm ups focus on perfect form
3 rounds [10 wall squats, 10 lunges, 10 pull ups/Ring rows]
10 minutes to build to a heavy squat
(if you find your max faster than 8 minutes and use less than 6-8 sets
you are doing something wrong)
Emom 15 minutes
1: 8 back squats at 50% of todays max
2: 8 box jumps
3: 8 strict pull ups
2 rounds not for time
6 turkish get ups (3 per side)
:60 plank
10 minute EMOM:
1. :30 mountain climbers
2. :30 plank ups
15 minute EMOM:
1: 12 ground to overhead with plate
2: 12 deficit reverse lunges off plate
3: 12 step ups holding plate overhead
3 rounds not for time:
25 side kicks /side holding on to rig. Focus on lateral glutes
25 air squats