Welcome to the FitFam Christina, Jenny, and Serenity!
Monday January 14
Warm up: 20 m bear crawl, 20 m lunges, 10 T Spine stretch x2
12 minute emom
1: 7 strict barbell OH press
2: :30 wall sit
13 min amrap
10 box jumps
10 burpees
30 double unders
3 rounds not for time
:30 hollow hold
15 v ups
10 toe touches
Tuesday January 15
Warm up: 5 pull up or ring row, 10 push up, 15 squats x4
15 minute emom
1: 5 thruster (#65/45)
2: :40 bike sprint
3: 3 overhead squat (#655/45)
16 minute emom count reps
1: :40 kb swings
2: :40 pull ups
3: :40 wall balls
4: rest
not for time
accumulate 2 minutes of flutter kick
Wednesday January 16
Warm up: :30 wall sit, :30 hollow hold, 10 cat cows
every 1:30 for 12 mins complete this complex
1 power clean
2 front squats
1 split jerk or push jerk
5 push ups
16 min Amrap
250 m row or ski
8 power clean
8 front squats
accumulate 2 minutes of a plank feet on swiss ball
Thursday January 17
Warm up: :20 side plank/ side, :20 chin over the bar hold, 20 lunges
For 15:00
1: 8 Hang snatch (95/65)
2: 6 pull ups
3: :30 plank
For time:
40 row calories
30 power snatches
20 bike calories
10 push ups
20 bike calories
30 dumbbell snatches
40 ski calories
2-3 sets not for time:
40m plate pinch carry
10 windshield wipers w/empty bar
Friday January 18
Warm up: Pvc pass thru 10, banded tricep stretch :30, pvc around the
world 10
X 2
Max Out Friday!!!!!
14 minutes to max out on your choice of exercise
For Time:
7 cleans
200 m run
7 press
200 m run
7 burpees
3 rounds not for time
:30 hollow hold
20 sit ups
rest :45 seconds