The Power Of Thought
Random thoughts I was thinking tonight.
Have you ever avoided trying something new, a new workout, or a heavier lift because you assumed you’d fail? Yup. Me too.
Personally I have experienced this first hand with an Olympic Lifting movement, the snatch. That number is 245. In a super strange accident while snatching 245 lbs I shattered my hip. Went through a real nasty time, etcetera. To this day if I’m snatching and let my mind go there, I will begin missing lifts starting at 245. I get stuck because as soon as I let those thoughts creep in, my will can begin to flag. I stop being aggressive and I lose my focus. Guess what happens? And what I get is missed lifts.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” Some might say, we can only achieve what we believe. Breathe in, breathe out, visualize the challenge, then decide that you can and will.
Things I say to myself:
U got this.
Be Strong.
Be Fast.
Be Violent.
So we have concluded that our thoughts pivotal to our success. Remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds of action or stagnation, good or bad, success or failure. Here are some pro tips if you are having problems playing nice with yourself.
1. Tell yourself you can do something, even if you don’t quite believe it. Repeat it to yourself again and again until you believe it’s true. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” Read N. Hill, he’s got a bunch to say about it.
2. Visualize. I literally visualize everything, not just fitness. The interview for the job I want, the lift you want to make, the goal I want to achieve. Perfect practice makes perfect and if you can’t do it physically use your mind. There is tones of literature that speak to the value and efficacy of visualization. This isn’t just thinking about something while you are driving, you can do this, but what I am talking about is as close to mediation as I understand meditation to be. Take the snatch, you want to focus on yourself as your own witness. Then transition to first person mental visualization. Feel the muscles fire, the bar in your hands, your posture as you receive the weight…you’ll figure it out. Just do it. The more you do the better you will get at it and the faster you can drop into quality mental practice.
3. Talk to yourself in the midst of hardship as you would speak to someone you where coaching. Would you point out all the things that are going wrong? No. “Bro you look so bad right now…I bet your quads are on fire…you can’t even breath, can you?” Sounds pretty duchy right! Then don’t tell yourself those things while you are actively trying to better yourself. If you need a reason why not to read the beginning of this again. They are demotivating and will not have the effect you think they will. Instead of focusing on the pain, focus on your strategy to move through the evolution with maximum effectiveness. Use these things as clues to your next steps.
4. Find a great Fitfam . Don’t go it alone. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, want nothing but the best for you, and will remind you to get out of your own head and realize how awesome you are.
Now go crush your goals. We believe in you.