Monday December 31 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 250 m row, 5 pull ups or ring rows, 10 push ups, 15 squats
12 Minutes EMOM:
1: 10 Db RDL
2: 10 Db OH press
For Time
500 m row
50 lunges
500 m row
50 push ups
500 m row
50 air squats
500 m row
3 rounds not for time:
10 shoulder taps, directly into
20 plank marches, directly into
30 mountain climbers
:30 rest
Wednesday January 2 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 20 m lunges
12 min EMOM:
1: :40 weighted step ups
2: :40 Push Ups
For time:
500 m row or ski
50 wall balls
30 Db clean and press
50 wall balls
500 m row or ski
Accumulate a total of 3:00 plank
Accumulate a total of 3:00 hollow hold
Thursday January 3 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 10 bird dogs per side, 10 dead bugs per side, 10 jumping squats, 10 push
14 minutes:
Work to best 10 Rep db strict press
:30 rest
100 db push press
Bike in remaining time
15 minute AMRAP:
6 Db thrusters
8 Box Step Ups 20” Max
10 Sit Ups
4 rounds not for time:
30 lemon squeezers as fast as possible
Friday January 4 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings ,10 squat jumps, 5 plyo push ups x 3
12 min AMRAP:
5 push ups
10 db squat cleans
20 db snatches
rest 5 mins
14 min AMRAP:
50 kb swings
30 pull ups or ring rows
10 kb deadlifts
3 rounds not for time
20 trx knee to elbow
10 trx pikes
Monday December 31 – Crossfit
Warm up: 2 rounds - 250 m row, 5 pull ups or ring rows, 10 push ups, 15 squats
12 Minutes EMOM:
1: 10 Db RDL
2: 10 Db OH press
For Time
500 m row
50 lunges
500 m row
50 push ups
500 m row
50 air squats
500 m row
3 rounds not for time
10 strict leg raises (hanging from bar)
:30 plank with feet on swiss ball or bosu
Tuesday January 1
Partner Workout at 10am!!! Happy New Year!
Wednesday January 2 – Crossfit
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 20 m lunges
12 min EMOM:
1: 6 back squats w :03 second pause at bottom
2: 6 Push Ups + 5 Box Jumps
For time:
500 m row
50 wall ball 20/14
30 ground to overhead 95/65
50 wall ball
500 m row
Accumulate 2 minutes of an L hang or L sit
Thursday January 3 – Crossfit
Warm up: 10 bird dogs per side, 10 dead bugs per side, 10 jumping squats, 10 push
14 minutes:
Build to heavy strict press
Then, build to heavy push press
After both have been found try to get 100 reps with just the bar
15 minute amrap:
6 thrusters 95/65
8 Box Jumps 24”20”
10 toes to bar
4 rounds not for time:
30 lemon squeezers as fast as possible
Friday January 4 – Crossfit
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings ,10 squat jumps, 5 plyo push ups x 3
12 min AMRAP:
1 clean 135/95
3 wall ball 20/14
5 push ups
rest 5 mins
14 min AMRAP:
50 kb swings
30 pull up
10 dead lift 135/95
3 rounds not for time
20 trx knee to elbows
10 trx pike