Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - MLK
Monday, January 21 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :30 walk outs, :20 chin over the bar hold or top of ring row hold, 10 pvc pass throughs x2
EMOM for 14 minutes:
Min 1: 12 alternating dumbbell snatches, 5 burpees
Min 2: 8-10 overhead squats with band
4 rounds for time:
8 calorie row, bike, or ski
8 dumbbell clean and press
8 front rack dumbbell squats
2-3 rounds not for time:
:30 shoulder taps
:30 plank
10 hand release push ups
Tuesday January 22 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 10 tempo push ups, 10 kang squats with pvs, 20 banded good mornings x2
EMOM for 16 minutes:
1: 10 Strict dumbbell OH press
2: :30 Plank (pushing forward on toes to get shoulders past hands, if possible)
2: :30 overhead hold with dumbbells
4: :30 renegade rows
11 min AMRAP:
1 pull up or 3 ring rows
3 wall balls
5 box jumps or 6 weighted step ups
3 burpees
1 pull up or 3 ring rows
3 rounds not for time
12 plank pull throughs
:20 side plank/side with hip abduction (modify by putting bottom knee down and lifting top leg from side plank position)
Wednesday January 23 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings, 10 pvc pass throughs, 15 hanging straight leg raise x2
8 min As Many REPS As Possible:
Wall balls
15 min AMRAP:
500 m row/ski or .4 mile bike
10 plate to OH
20 m OH plate lunges
10 plate to OH
2 rounds not for time
25 lemon squeezers (with med ball between feet, if possible)
:45 hollow hold
Thursday January 24 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :30 wall sit, 20 m bear crawl, 5 walkouts with push up + stand up
12 min every :90, with dumbbells:
10 cleans
5 squats
5 push press
5 squats
For Time:
Dumbbell thrusters
push ups
Not for time:
30 v-ups
30 reverse crunches
30 calorie row, bike or ski
Friday January 25 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m lunges, 10 ring row w/ :05 pause at top, 20 air squats
15 min EMOM:
1: 10 kb deadlifts, heavier than last week, if possible
2: :30 high knees
3:7 3-point bent over kb row (each arm)
For time:
500 m row/ski
20 Box jumps or weighted step ups
20 DB cleans
20 Alternating DB snatches
20 Burpees
500 m row/ski
3 rounds not for time
40 m farmer carry
20 sit ups
Monday, January 21 - Crossfit
Warm up: :30 walk outs, :20 chin over the bar hold or top of ring row hold, 10 pvc pass throughs x2
EMOM for 14 minutes:
Min 1: 3 Hang squat snatch (or Hang power with OH squat)
Min 2: 5 burpees
4 rounds for time:
8 calorie bike
8 hang snatch (75/45)
8 OH squats
Accumulate 1 min each arm
1 arm plank
Tuesday January 22 - Crossfit
Warm up: 10 tempo push ups, 10 kang squats with pvs, 20 banded good mornings x2
EMOM for 16 minutes:
1: 10 Strict OH press (65/45)
2: plank while pushing forward on toes to get shoulders past hands
11 min AMRAP:
1 pull up
3 wall ball
5 box jump
3 burpee
1 pull up
3 rounds not for time
:30 L hang
15 Knee to elbow
Wednesday January 23 - Crossfit
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings, 10 pvc pass throughs, 15 hanging straight leg raise x2
8 min As Many REPS As Possible:
wall balls (20/14)
15 min AMRAP:
500 m row/ski or .4 mile bike
10 plate to OH
20 m OH plate lunges
10 plate to OH
2 rounds not for time
25 lemon squeezers with med ball between feet
:45 hollow hold
Thursday January 24 - Crossfit
Warm up: :30 wall sit, 20 m bear crawl, 5 walkouts with push up + stand up
12 min every :90:
Bear complex (base weight off of push press)
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
For Time:
Back squat (135/95)
Push ups
Accumulate 1:30 of each:
1: plank with feet on med ball
2: plank with hands on med ball
Friday January 25 - Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m lunges, 10 ring row w/ :05 pause at top, 20 air squats
15 min EMOM:
1: 5 deadlifts (focus on back extension)
2: 6 cal bike
3:7 bent over kb row (each arm)
For time:
500 m row/ski
20 Box jumps
20 DB cleans (35/20)
20 Alternating DB snatches (35/20)
20 Burpees
500 m row/ski
3 rounds not for time
40 m farmer carry
20 sit ups