Monday January 28 Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 wall sit x2
12 minute EMOM:
10 Deficit reverse lunges off plate
8 push ups with hands on plates
4 rounds for time:
20 goblet squats
5 burpees
20 overhead dumbbell strict press
3 rounds not for time:
:30 hollow hold
:30 Superman hold
:60 front rack kettlebell hold or sandbag hold
Tuesday January 29 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 10 sit ups, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 broad jumps x2
12 minute EMOM:
:30 bike easy pace
:40 row
:40 1 arm dB clean and jerks
In 7 minutes:
Box jumps or weighted step ups
Knees to elbow
Rest 5 minutes
In 7 minutes:
Dumbbell snatches (20-15-10-5 per arm)
Weighted sit ups
2 rounds not for time:
30 cal row
20 plank ups
10 v-ups
Wednesday January 30 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings, 10 walk outs, 5 push ups x2
10 minute EMOM:
10 dB RDL
20 m single arm overhead carry per arm
15 minute AMRAP:
10 dumbbell clean and jerks
80 jump rope
10 dumbbell squats
80 jump rope
4 rounds not for time:
20 Russian twists
:20 hollow hold
:20 mountain climbers
Thursday January 31
Warm up: 1 minute bike easy pace, :30 walk outs, 20 lunges, 10 hrpu x2
For 6:00:
:60 bicep curls
:60 jumping jacks
:60 rest
Rest 2:00
6 minute EMOM:
:30 3 point row right
:30 3 point row left
3 rounds for time:
21 cal bike
10 ring rows
10 knees to elbows
Directly into 3 rounds:
12 dumbbell cleans
12 dumbbell press
Not for time:
25 lemon squeezers
25 toe touches
25 sit ups
25 toe touches
Friday, February 1 - Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m Frankenstein, 10 kang squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar or with dumbbells x2
For 15:00:
80 m shuttle run
10 kB deadlift
40 high knee taps
10 push ups
Partner work out for time (see Crossfit)
2 rounds not for time:
20 partner synchro planks, tapping opposite hands
30 partner Russian twists
20 sit ups passing wall ball to partner each time
Monday January 28 - Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 wall sit x2
12 min EMOM
4 back squats (4x55% - 4x60% - 4x65%)
4 rounds for time
20 goblet squat
5 burpees
20 barbell OH Strict Press
3 rounds not for time
40 m farmer carry
:30 Sorenson hold
Tuesday January 29 - Crossfit
Warm up: 10 ghd, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 broad jumps x2
12 min emom
:30 bike easy pace
:40 row
:40 1-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks, switch arms as needed
7 min to finish
Box jumps
Toes to bar
Rest 5 minutes
7 min to finish
hang power snatch
sit ups
2 rounds
20 trx knee to elbow
10 trx pike
Wednesday January 30 Crossfit
Warm up: 15 banded good mornings, 10 walk outs, 5 push ups x2
10 min emom
1: 6 Deadlifts
2: 20 m single arm OH db carry each arm
15 min amrap
10 clean and jerk (95/65)
40 double unders
10 front squats
40 double unders
accumulate 2 mins handstand hold
Thursday January 31 - Crossfit
Warm up: 1 min bike easy pace, :30 walk outs, 20 lunges, 10 hand release push ups x2
6 minutes to find heavy Strict OH press
rest 2 min
6 min EMOM
1 push or split jerk
For Time
3 rounds
21 calorie bike
7 pull ups
7 toes to bar
right into
3 rounds (115/75)
9 power clean
9 push jerk
1 min each arm
1 arm plank
Friday Feb 1- Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m Frankenstein, 10 kang squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar or on trx x2
15 min
start at #45/35
1 snatch
1 hang snatch
keep adding weight to find a heavy snatch complex
Partner workout For Time (if done individually cut reps in half)
200 jump ropes
100 wall balls
50 ring rows
50 calorie row
2-3 rounds not for time
:30 sorenson hold
:30 L sit