Monday July 11
A. Squat snatch, 8x1 @6570% of 1RM, begin a set every :60
B1. Chin over the bar hold, 3x max up to :30, :60 rest
B2. 1arm dumbbell row, 3x56/side, :60 rest
AMRAP in 7:00
8 toes to bar
10 alternating tough dumbbell snatches
200m run
Tuesday July 12
A. 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk, 11111, begin a set every 2:00
For 8:00
Evens 1 rope climb or 2 seated to standing rope pulls
Odds :30 double under practice
3 rounds for time:
2 wall walks
10 goblet squats
2 wall walks
35 double unders or 70 single unders
Wednesday July 13
A. Front squat, 2222 @22x1, 2:00 rest
B. Shoulder press, 333, 2:00 rest
For time:
“Mini Elizabeth”
Power cleans, tough
Ring dips or handrelease push ups
Not for time:
Accumulate 2:00 front leaning rest
Thursday July 14
A. 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat, 11111, begin a set every :90
15:00 @85%
400m run or 500m row
12 alternating pistol squats
10 burpees
8 pull ups or ring rows
5 sets:
:15 hollow rocks
:15 rest
Friday July 15
A. Max out Friday
AMRAP in 10:00 with a partner, one person working at a time: