Monday July 4th
10 DL #225
15 Burpees
10 Front Squat #185
15 Burpees
6 Rounds
1 Mile Run
Tuesday July 5
A. 8:00 rope climb and double under technique work
B. Power clean and split jerk, build to a tough single in 10:00 or use time for technique work
3 rounds for time:
12 toes to bar
10 shoulder to overhead, 65/95
200m run
Wednesday July 6
A. Front squat, 3333 @22x1, 2:00 rest
B. Dumbbell push press, 3x56, :60 rest
AMRAP in 7:00
40 double unders/20 double unders/80 singles
10 box jumps
15 wall balls
Not for time:
Accumulate 1015 hollow to superman rolls
Thursday July 7
A. Snatch balance, 2222, 2:00 rest
For 12:00
1st 12 rope climbs/68 strict pull ups or tough ring rows
2nd 8 tough alternating dumbbell lunges
3rd 8/10 row calories
3 sets not for time:
25m tough prowler push, rest as needed
Friday July 8
A. Max out Friday
For time with a partner, one person working at a time:
400m run
10 wall walks
20 thrusters, 65/95
30 burpees
40 kettlebell swings
50 sit ups