Part A) Snatch
1 x Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS (even)
5 x Burpee Box Jumps (Odd)
EMOTM for 12 min
Part B) 3 back squat / 5 front squat
4 x to best set of the day
Part C)
2k row
50 thrusters
50 GHD sit ups
50 KBS
1k Row
For time
Part A) Snatch
1 x Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS (even)
5 x Burpee Box Jumps (Odd)
EMOTM for 12 min
Part B) 3 back squat / 5 front squat
4 x to best set of the day
Part C)
2k row
50 thrusters
50 GHD sit ups
50 KBS
1k Row
For time