Lift & Move — MesserFit

 What is Lift & Move like at MesserFit?  

Our Coaches

If your goal is to get strong, fit, and agile then I think you will find our Lift & Move Class a perfect fit for you.

Our Lift & Move class is a welcoming community of goal oriented trainees, working on becoming stronger and healthier. Our training is progressive and able to be scaled to everyone's capabilities.  The programming is not random, it is well thought out by legendary Coach Karisa Moler. Her progressive and functional strength approach will keep you making consistent progress while never getting bored.

Unlike Fit360 this is a strength bias program, meaning we do barbell Squats, Deadlifts, Snatches, Cleans, Jerks, Thrusters, Overhead Squats, and more…We strive make the environment fun and challenging, while always working towards personal records and new skills.       

“I’ve had memberships to a number of fitness facilities over the years, but working out on my own always presented the challenge of finding motivation and achieving personal gains. I had wanted to try out MFSC for several years because it provided exactly what I was looking for...pre-programmed, high intensity, functional workouts that allow you to achieve whatever your fitness goals may be. And MesserFit did not disappoint. After a year & half, I still look forward to each and every workout as I know each one presents me with the opportunity to continue to push my fitness threshold to a new level."

-Jacob Whitsel,GM, Innovative Controls Engineering


“I’m hooked. I gave up my daily lifting “routine” over a year ago to see what functional fitness was all about. There are times in the middle of a workout that I wonder what I was thinking but ultimately the experience and the results have been well worth it. At MFSC, the overall education on eating, lifting, and self-maintenance, combined with new and difficult workouts have taken me to a higher level of fitness than I could have achieved on my own."

— Ryan Walker, CPA

“The majority of gyms out there are real stinkers. Spending the better part of a decade in these so-called “gyms,” packed full of weight machines and StairMasters, literally bored the muscle off of me. Three years ago I met Mark Messer and discovered MesserFit. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was going to change my life forever. MFSC isn’t your typical weekend-warrior gym. It’s a small space, but has everything needed to get serious work done. Mark brings an almost unbelievable infectious energy to MesserFit that inspires the coaches and motivates everyone seeking real change. The competition is between you and yourself but at MesserFit you’re surrounded by an incredible community running the same race. MFSC is such a massive part of my life. I can’t imagine a day without it. The team sport aspect is very addictive. Competing for the best time or cheering on members as they push beyond what they thought was possible is exhilarating."

- Brian Vanaski, Creative Director,

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