Monday, February 17 - Saturday, February 22

Monday, February 17

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 8 bent-over row (start w/ empty barbell) + 4 kip swing + :30 easy jump rope + 4 inch worm w/ push-up + 8/side side lying banded open book stretch 


Every 2:00 x6 (12:00) - 


Barbell bent-over row (start light and slowly build if possible) 


10 rounds for time - 

3 bar muscle-up or 6 pull-up 

30 double under or 60 singles 


3x10-15/side deficit clam shell from bench

Tuesday, February 18

Warm-up: 8-6-4 alt hamstring scoop + alt Cossack squat + scorpion stretch/side + alt reverse Samson + wall ball thruster + thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side 


In 30:00, complete 3 rounds (2:00 rest between rounds) - 


Wall ball (20/14 or 14/10 or 10/6) 

Bike calories 


*1 round = 28 reps of each movement 


Accumulate 1:00/side banded lat stretch from straddle 

Accumulate 1:00 med ball thoracic extension w/ light plate

Wednesday, February 19 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 14 banded pull-apart + 12 pvc pass through + 10 supine toes-to-rig + 8 push-up to pike + :30/side figure-4 stretch w/ rotation + :30 cat cow 


In 40:00, complete the following @ steady pace (zone 2) - 

4,000 meter row or ski 

Every 1,000 meters, starting @ 0:00 - 

25 barbell bicep curl (45/35) 

20 push-up 

15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 


Tabata Copenhagen plank w/ rotation (4 rounds/side)

Thursday, February 20 

Warm-up:  6-4-2 alt DB snatch (light) + 1-arm DB overhead walking lunge/side (light) + thoracic rotation from runners lunge/side + bootstrapper + :30 chest opener stretch 


Every 2:00 x3 (18:00) - 

  1. 8/side 1-arm overhead walking lunge

  2. 12 DB lat pull-over 

  3. 16 DB plank pull-through (feet elevated for extra challenge) 

*Suggested DB weight for all movements = 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15


12:00 EMOM - 

  1. 12 alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  2. 9 burpee box jump over or step-over (24/20 in or lower) 

*Scale reps as needed to maintain pace (e.g., 6 BBJO instead of 9)


3x10-15 chest supported DB lat kick back (2 @ light/moderate weight)

Friday, February 21

Warm-up:  15:00 AMRAP - 10 banded good morning + :30 squat hold + 8 DB bench press (2 @ light weight) + :30/side pigeon stretch + 10 upward to downward dog flow 


3 rounds @ steady pace (zone 2) - 

30 KB swing (53/35 or 35/25 or 25/15) 

30 goblet squat (same weight as above) 

400 meter row or ski 

30 DB bench press (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

30 cal bike 


Accumulate 1:00/side banded hamstring stretch + 1:00/side couch stretch 

Saturday, February 22 

Warm-up:  8-6-4-2 deadlift (start light and build to 50% 1RM) + alt thoracic reach from low squat + alt shoulder tap from handstand, pike, or plank + :30 Superman hold 



Deadlift (start @ 50% 1RM and build by 5% each round if possible)

Box supported leg raise

*After each round, alternate between - 

  1. :30-:45 Russian twist (20/14 or 14/10 or 10/6) 

  2. Max distance handstand walk or :30 handstand walk progression 


1:00/side figure-4 stretch w/ rotation 

Monday, February 10 - Saturday, February 15

Monday, February 10

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 3 power snatch (start w/ empty barbell + build to WOD weight) + 5/side 1-arm ring row + 7 broad jump + 9 push-up to pike + 11 pvc pass through 


4 rounds for time (2:00 rest between rounds) - 


Power snatch (115/85 or 85/55 or 45/35) 

Burpee box jump over or step over (24/20 in or lower) 

*Complete all 36 reps within 1 round, then rest; scaling option = 3 rounds instead of 4  


Tabata 1-arm banded row from plank (4 rounds/arm)

Tuesday, February 11 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt reverse Samson + :30 easy row, bike, or ski + 6 alt pistol squat to bench + :30 easy jump rope + 10 alt Cossack squat + :30 alt Superman


30:00 AMRAP - 

50 cal row or ski 

40 sit-up 

30 double under or 60 singles 

20 cal bike 

10 alt pistol squat 


Accumulate 1:00/side - figure 4 stretch w/ rotation 

Accumulate 1:00 med ball thoracic opener w/ plate

Wednesday, February 12 

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2 back squat + front squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + kip swing + thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge + :10 chin over bar hold + :30 supine toes-to-rig


In 29:00, complete 2 rounds (A/B/A/B) w/ 3:00 rest b/t AMRAPs for total cals - 

5:00 AMRAP (A) - 


Back squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45) 

Toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow

Max bike cals in remaining time 

-3:00 rest-

5:00 AMRAP (B) - 


Front squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45) 

Pull-up or ring row 

Max row or ski cals in remaining time 


3x8-10/side 1-arm Sorenson row @ light/moderate weight

Thursday, February 13 

Warm-up:  15:00 AMRAP - 14 banded pull-apart + 12 alt hamstring scoops + 10 alt reverse lunge (no weight) + 12 banded row + 14 alt toe touch from plank 


9:00 EMOM - 

  1. :45-:60 plank 

  2. :45-:60 mountain climber 

  3. Rest 


In 20:00, complete the following @ steady pace - 

50 alt goblet lunge 

40 push-up 

30 KB swing 

20 alt gorilla row 

10 wall walk 

20 alt gorilla row 

30 KB swing 

40 push-up 

50 alt goblet lunge 

*Suggested weight = 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15


3x 21 barbell bicep curl series (45/35) 

Friday, February 14

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2 deadlift + hang power clean + push jerk (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + scorpion stretch/side + :30 upward to downward dog flow 

Valentine Partner WOD

For time (you go, I go) - 

80 cal bike 

4 rounds DT 

60 cal bike 

3 rounds DT 

40 cal bike 

2 rounds DT 

20 cal bike 

1 round DT 

*1 round DT = 12 deadlift + 9 hang power clean + 6 push jerk (155/105 or 105/75 or 75/45); partners to split reps evenly 


Accumulate 1:00/side couch stretch + 1:00/side supine banded hamstring stretch 

Saturday, February 15

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10/side thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation + :30 HS hold + 10 alt Superman + :30 alt single leg v-up + 10 alt DB bench press (2 @ light weight) 


Every :90 x4 (12:00) - 

  1. :30-:45 max distance handstand walk or handstand walk progression (e.g., alt shoulder tap from handstand, pike, or plank) 

  2. :30-:45 banded row from Superman


For quality reps @ steady pace - 


  1. Alternating DB bench press (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)

  2. Alternating DB top down hammer curl (2 @ moderate weight)

  3. Hanging leg raise or knee raise


3x20/side KB side bend @ challenging weight 

Monday, February 3 - Saturday, February 8

Monday, February 3 

Warm-up:  15:00 AMRAP - 5 bench press (start w/ empty barbell) + 10 pvc pass through + 5 inch worm w/ push-up + 10 DB RDL (2 @ light weight and build)


Every 2:00 x4 (16:00) -  

  1. 12-15 DB Romanian deadlift (2 @ 70/50 or 50/35 or 40/25) 

  2. Max unbroken DB push-up (RPE 8/10) 


12:00 AMRAP - 

3-6-9-12-15 (continue to add 3 reps until time is up)

Bench press (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45) 

*5/side DB 1-arm overhead walking lunge after each set (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)


2-3 sets - 8-10/side 1-arm bent-over row

Tuesday, February 4 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt hamstring scoops + 8 alt pistol squat to bench + :20 HS or pike hold or plank + 10 supine toes-to-rig + 8 alt Cossack squat + :20 easy jump rope 


12:00 EMOM - 

  1. :30 alternating pistol squat 

  2. :30 HS walk, HS hold (w/ or w/o weight shift), pike hold, or plank

  3. Rest 


In 13:00, complete the following - 

5:00 EMOM (0:00-5:00) - 

10 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

Max double under or singles in remaining minute

-3:00 rest-

5:00 AMRAP (8:00-13:00) - 

X double under or singles 

Max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups  

*X = total jump rope reps from EMOM (e.g., 30/min = 150, so start AMRAP w/ 150) 


1:00/side figure-4 stretch w/ lumbar rotation

1:00/side cross body banded stretch

Wednesday, February 5

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt quad stretch + 5 DB squat (2 @ light weight) + 5/side KB/DB bird dog row (light) + 10 alt thoracic extension from low squat 


Every 2:00 x3 (12:00) -

  1. 8-10/side DB/KB bird dog row (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  2. 8-10/side single leg DB hip thrust @ moderate weight


6 rounds for time - 

10/8 cal bike 

10 DB front rack squat (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


Accumulate 1:00 straddle stretch + 1:00/side seated hamstring stretch 

Thursday, February 6 

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - :30 easy row or ski + 1/side Turkish getup or 3/side Turkish sit-up (light) + :30 alt shoulder tap from plank + 5 kip swing + 5/side 1-arm ring row 


Every 2:00 x3 (12:00) - 

  1. 2/side Turkish getup or 6-8/side Turkish sit-up (moderate weight) 

  2. 12-16 DB plank pull through, feet elevated if able (moderate weight) 


In 16:00, complete the following for total pull-up reps - 

3:00 AMRAP x4 (1:00 rest between AMRAP’s) -

10 cal row or ski 

15 sit-up  

Max pull-up in remaining time 


2-3x 15-25 1-arm banded tricep push-down

Friday, February 7 

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2 thoracic rotation from runners lunge/side + deadlift + hang power clean + push jerk (start w/ empty barbell) + scorpion stretch/side + cat cow 

Partner WOD

20 rounds for time (you go, I go) - 

5 deadlift + 5 hang power clean + 5 push jerk (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45) 

*Each partner to complete 10 rounds 


In 10:00, complete 2 Tabata sets (2:00 rest between Tabata sets) - 

  1. Tabata lateral v-up (4 rounds/side)

  2. Tabata tuck-up (weighted if possible @ 10-15# plate)

Saturday, February 8 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2 upward to downward dog flow + reverse Samson/side + kip swing + box step-up/leg + back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM) 


In 15:00, complete the following x6 (:90 rest between sets) -


Back squat @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85% 1RM respectively 

*If lifting lighter, stick w/ 4-6 reps per set


16:00 AMRAP - 

3 bar muscle-up or 6 pull-up 

6 alt goblet box step-up (24/20 in; 53/35 or 35/25 or 25/15) 

9 cal row, bike, or ski 


Accumulate 15-20 med ball thoracic extensions 

Accumulate 1:00/side banded lat stretch 

Monday, January 27 - Saturday, February 1

Monday, January 27

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 12 alt reverse Samson + 10 banded good morning + 8 seated leg lifts + 6 push-up to pike + 4 deadlift (light) + :30 prone alt Superman


Every :90 x4 (12:00) -

  1. Max unbroken HSPU or HSPU variation (8/10 RPE) 

  2. 3-5 deadlift, building to WOD weight 


For time - 


Deadlift (225/155 or 155/105 or 105/75) 


Toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

*Complete 10 deadlift + 1 ttb, then 9 deadlift + 2 ttb……


3x 15-20 banded med ball trunk rotation (:60 rest)

Tuesday, January 28

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 10/side prone scorpion stretch + :30 easy jump rope + 6 front squat (empty barbell) + :30 upward to downward dog flow + 12 pvc pass through 


30:00 EMOM for total front squat reps - 

  1. 15/12 cal row, bike, or ski 

  2. 10 burpees

  3. 40 double under or 80 singles 

  4. Max front squat (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

  5. Rest 


3x8-10/side KB row from Sorenson hold @ moderate weight

Wednesday, January 29

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to 70% 1RM) + 1-arm ring row/side + kip swing + thoracic reach from runners lunge/side + cat cow 


In 12:00, superset the following x4 (:60 rest between supersets) - 

  1. 5 bench press @ 70% 1RM, or moderately heavy weight (7/10 RPE) 

  2. 10 DB lat pullover (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)  


Every 2:30 x8 (20:00) - 

8/6 cal bike sprint 

4 bar muscle-up or 8 pull-up or challenging pull variation 


2-3 rounds - 10-15/side half kneeling overhead weighted side bend

Thursday, January 30

Warm-up:  15:00 AMRAP - 6 alt quad stretch + 12 alt single leg v-up + 6 alt back rack lunge (start w/ empty barbell) + 12 alt Cossack squat + 6 inch worm w/ push-up


Every 2:00 x5 (10:00) - 


Back rack lunge (start light and build if possible) 


In 15:00, complete the following for total sit-ups (no built-in rest, rest as needed) - 

5:00 AMRAP - 

50/40 cal row or ski 

Max sit-up 

4:00 AMRAP - 

40/32 cal row or ski

Max sit-up 

3:00 AMRAP - 

30/24 cal row or ski 

Max sit-up 

2:00 AMRAP - 

20/16 cal row or ski 

Max sit-up 

1:00 AMRAP - 

10/8 cal row or ski 

Max sit-up 


1:00/side banded hamstring stretch + 1:00/side figure-4 stretch w/ rotation 

Friday, January 31 

Warm-up: 5-4-3 power clean + push jerk (start w/ empty barbell) + 1-arm banded snow angel/side + :30 alt groiner + :30 wrist rockers + :30 chest opening stretch 


Every 2:00 x5 (10:00) - 

3 power clean + 3 push jerk (start light and build if possible) 


For time - 

800 meter run (scale to 400)

40 DB hang power clean (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

-4:00 rest-

40 DB hang power clean (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

800 meter run (scale to 400)


2 rounds - 10 med ball thoracic extension + :30/side banded hip flexor stretch  

Saturday, February 1 

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 10 bootstrapper + :30 easy jump rope + 5 muscle snatch (light) + :30 alt calf stretch + 10 banded pull-apart + :30 alt toe touch from plank + 5 cat cow 

Partner WOD

16 rounds for time (8 each - you go, I go) - 

40 double under or 80 singles 

20 air squat 

10 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 


Tabata weighted alternating single leg v-up (light weight) 

Monday, January 20 - Saturday, January 25

Monday January 20 

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 12 pvc pass through + 10 banded good morning + 8 bench press (light) + 6 deadlift (light) + 4 inch worm w/ push-up + 4 cat cow 


9:00 EMOM - 

  1. 3-5 deadlift (start light and build to 65% 1RM)  

  2. 3-5 bench press (start light and build to 65% 1RM) 

  3. Rest 


in 20:00 for quality reps - 


Deadlift @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85% 1RM

Bench press @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85% 1RM 

*:30-:60 handstand work after each round 


3x12 alt gorilla row @ challenging weight 

Tuesday, January 21

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - :30 easy jump rope + 10 supine toes-to-rig + :30 upward to downward dog flow + 10 alt scorpion stretch + :30 chest opening stretch 


Every 2:00 x3 (12:00) -

  1. 8-10/side 1-arm DB preacher curl @ moderate weight

  2. 20-25 banded overhead tricep extensions


6 rounds for time (:60 rest between rounds) - 

40 double under or 80 singles

10 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups

20 double under or 40 singles

5 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups  


Tabata Russian twist w/ plate @ 25 or 15 or 10

Wednesday, January 22

Warm-up:  5-4-3 DB hang power clean + DB front rack squat + DB push press (2 @ light weight) + push-up (:03 eccentric and concentric tempo) + 1-arm ring row/side 


In 28:00, complete the following - 

8:00 EMOM - 

  1. 12 DB push press 

  2. 12 alt DB renegade row (feet elevated for extra challenge) 

-2:00 rest-

8:00 EMOM 

  1. 12 DB hang power clean

  2. 12 DB push-up 

-2:00 rest-

8:00 EMOM - 

  1. 12 DB squat, front rack  

  2. 15/12 cal row, bike, or ski (scale to 12/9 or 9/6) 

*Suggested DB weight = 2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15


3x12-15/side side plank clam shell, banded if possible

Thursday, January 23

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 8 alt groiner + 6 alt goblet curtsy lunge (light) + 4 kip swing + :30 banded glute bridge, :03 pause @ top + :30 banded lat pull-down from hollow


Every 2:00 x3 (12:00) - 

  1. 8-10/side foot elevated single leg glute bridge (no heavier than 35# DB)

  2. 10-12 alt goblet curtsy lunge @ 70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20


For time (20:00 cap) - 

3,000 meter row or ski 

*Every 3:00 starting @ 3:00 - 3 bar muscle-up or 6 pull-up 


Accumulate 1:00 banded lat stretch + 1:00/side figure-4 stretch w/ rotation 

Friday, January 24

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2 thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge + single leg v-up/side + burpee broad jump + back squat (start w/ empty barbell) + reverse Samson/side


Every :90 x6 (9:00) - 

5 back squat @ 60% 1RM (:03 eccentric tempo / fast concentric) 


Every 2:00 x2 (20:00) - 

  1. 30 sit-up 

  2. 15 burpees 

  3. 30 KB swing (53/35 or 35/20) 

  4. 15 burpee box jump (24/20 in) 

  5. 30 sit-up 

*Scale reps as needed to assure some rest each round; scale burpees to up downs  


3x12-15/side Copenhagen rotations

Saturday, January 25 

Warm-up:  1:00 easy row, bike, or ski (1x) directly into 2 rounds - 6 alt DB snatch (light) + :30 easy jump rope + 8 dips from bench + :30 med ball thoracic opener


30:00 EMOM for total DB snatch reps - 

  1. 15/12 cal row or ski 

  2. 40 double under or 80 singles 

  3. 12/9 cal bike 

  4. Max alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  5. Rest 


Superset x3 (:90 rest between supersets) - 

21 bicep curl series (empty barbell) 

8-12 dips or cable tricep pulls 

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