
Congrats Meg Smith for being chosen as the February MesserFit Member of the Month! Meg rarely misses a work-out. Her consistency and perseverance has led to many gains, such as becoming a handstand push-up machine and getting both strict and kipping pull-ups. Meg, thank you for leading by example - showing that, despite our crazy busy lives, we can make it to the gym and take care of ourselves, with no excuses. Thank you for lifting up everyone around you, and for laughing so much - your laugh makes us all smile! Keep crushing your goals, Meg!


What got you into exercise? I had a friend who tricked me into trying a TRX class 2.5 years ago.

How long have you been training at MSC? 2 years

If you were working out and ninjas attacked the gym, what top 3 items would you choose to defend yourself, and why?  I would first bore them with a discussion of the attributes of different COVID assays. Once they were lulled almost to sleep, I would have Nate chuck super heavy gym objects at them. Once they were pinned down and unconscious- I’d use my jump rope to tie them up. 1) I believe in working smart and 2) my jump rope would finally be useful and I’d have an excuse not to practice double unders while my replacement came in.

What's your favorite exercise? : Burpees!

What inspires you?: Watching my kids grow up inspires me. They make me want to be the best version of myself: to include living a healthier life and living by the golden rule (treat others as you would want to be treated).

What exercise are you currently working to perfect?: Double unders- unless ninjas attack the gym. Then it will be toes to bar.

How does your first work-out at MSC compare to your training experience now? My first workout was intimidating. It was so difficult and I didn’t know the exercises or any of my classmates. Now- I know the names of the exercises and my classmates.

You have been given an elephant. You cannot give it away or sell it. What do you do with it? I would put it in our basement gated bunny pen. Maybe the elephant will be able to teach the bunny to use the litter box.

A penguin walks into the room wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he there?  He says hola! He has brought margaritas! He seems like a nice guy...er...penguin.

What do you work towards during your free time? Define free time....most of my time is spent working or raising my four hysterical kids. They make me laugh. When I’m not doing that, I reupholster chairs and couches and I’m reading the Bible in chronological order this year.

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