Let’s give a shout out to our January Member of the Month, Mike Cope! When asked to describe Mike, every MesserFit trainer had the same sentiment - He has a phenomenal work ethic and is consistently encouraging others around him - Both are highly valued qualities that we hope to see within our FitFam. Mike has been crushing his work-outs during the evening classes, recently snagging his first bar muscle-up. The sky is the limit for Mike, and we cannot wait to see what else he can do! Thank you Mike for practicing our gym values every single day. We could not complete our mission without members like YOU!

Name: Michael Cope

What got you into exercise? : I worked out consistently through life into my 40's. Now on the plus side of 50 I needed something. My daughter started working out at MesserFit and I liked her results so I tried the detox diet/work out plan and have stuck with it.

How long have you been training at MSC?: 18 months

If you were working out and ninjas attacked the gym, what top 3 items would you choose to defend yourself, and why? 1) I would throw Mark Messer in front and let him fight first, 2) Throw Kyle in front and let him fight second 3) If that didn't do it then the hidden cross bow.

What's your favorite exercise? : Power Clean

What inspires you?: Christ

What exercise are you currently working to perfect?: Deadlift

How does your first work-out at MSC compare to your training experience now?  I don't even remember my first work out. I do recall being surprised at the different elements and complexity of the exercises having never done them before.

You have been given an elephant. You cannot give it away or sell it. What do you do with the elephant? Eat it one bite at a time. That is the only way to eat an elephant.

A penguin walks into the room wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he there? Since penguin's waddle and don't walk I would know he is an imposter which means he is a Russian spy acting like he is from Mexico. That means he asks who owns the place I tell him Mike DeWine.

What do you work towards in your free time? Not much since all I do is work and work out. Other than that I am renovating part of my house.


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