
It was eight years ago when Kristi decided to stop in and check out MesserFit at the bottom of Deerfield Road. She accidentally locked her keys in her car and had to call the police - it was all over from there. She joined the next day.

“Being a part of MesserFit is more than just a gym - it’s a family. We all count on each other! Being strong is empowering to me and my daughters. It makes me feel proud to set a an example that women can lift weights and be a badass!”

Kristi has been a perfect puzzle piece to our gym culture, authentically practicing encouragement, hard work, dedication, and dance moves (you might spot an occasional twerk between lifts).

Kristi, thank you for being uplifting and fun, and for being a genuine, awesome person! Cheers to many more years together in the gym!

Name: Kristi Browning

What got you into exercise?: I grew up playing multiple sports and began lifting in high school.

How long have you been training at MSC?: Grandma alert 🚨 8 years!!

What's your favorite exercise? : Olympic lifts like cleans and snatches.

What inspires you?: Strong women and fellow Mamas

What exercise are you currently working to perfect?: Toes to bar

What do you work towards in your free time?: Free time??? Besides being a Mom, I enjoy cooking, art, music and reading.


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