Over the past several years, Amy has been a beam of light in the MesserFit community. Her dedication and positivity affects everyone around her. Thank you, Amy, for always rooting on your teammates, striving for greatness, and for authentically being a wonderful human. We hope to continue training with you for many years to come!


What got you into exercise? I ran some marathons in the last 10 years and thought that was all I had to do to stay fit. Then I had knee problems and had to adjust my workouts. Then I saw the Facebook post about the six-week starter program with MesserFit. I signed up and haven’t regretted it since!

How long have you been training at MSC? It will be two years on January 1, 2021!

You were working out and ninjas attacked the gym. What top three items would you use to defend yourself, and why? If it’s 4:30am and I’m alone, first I’d crank up the 80s rock on Alexa as loud as it goes to blast their eardrums. Then I’d grab all the markers and pens and aim for their eyes. Then I’d grab the whiteboard and use it as a shield and run. But if it’s a little later in the am and Michael Franks is there, I don’t need anything. He would defend me!

What's your favorite exercise? : I like to jerk! Ha ha.

What inspires you?: Seeing people around me grow is inspiring. Whether it’s my students getting better at Spanish or my gym mates adding weight and hitting PRs, being a part of positive progress is uplifting.

What exercise are you currently working to perfect?: Toes to bar

How does your first work-out at MSC compare to your training experience now? For the first couple months, I used to be so sore I could barely get out of bed every single day. Now that only happens once or twice a week. Also, I finally learned how to spell PIGEON!

You have been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What do you do with the elephant? I add it to my zoo...I already have 9 cats, 2 dogs and a bat. What’s one more? Maybe I can use it’s trunk for toes to bar practice...

A penguin walks into the room wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he there?  He’s probably here because he wants to live in my zoo too. Since he’s wearing a sombrero, he had better say, “Amiga, es hora de celebrar. ¡Vamos a tomar las margaritas!”

What do you work towards in your free time? I read in Spanish to improve my language skills. I take care of my animals. I need to be outside for my mental health so when weather permits, I work in my yard and garden.


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