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Warm up - Banded bully stretch, banded lat stretch, Couch stretch, squat hold, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 1:00 Echo Bike + 15 air squats + 10 Strict Press (barbell or dumbbells) + 5 strict Pull Ups

3 Rounds

10 D-Ball Cleans 150/100#

30 Strict Press 95/65#

Rest until 15:00 (Or minimum of 5 minutes rest)

2 Rounds 

40 Calorie Echo Bike

40 Wall Ball 20/14#

Rest until 30:00 (Or minimum of 5 minutes rest)

For time

80 GHD Sit Ups

40 Steps Double DB Walking Lunges 50/35#’s

80 Push Ups

40 Steps Double DB Overhead Walking Lunges 50/35#’s

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