Warm up - 2 rounds of: 30 sec couch stretch (each side) + 10 shoulder rolls + 8 push up into down facing dog stretch + 8 single arm db strict press (each arm) + 10 kip swings, then 2 rounds of: 25 Du’s + 10 shoulder to OH + 5 strict pull ups + calf/ankle stretch
Every 3:00 x 12 minutes (4 sets)
75 Double Unders
10 Shoulder to Overhead 185/125#
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest until 20:00 mark
Every 3:00 x 12 minutes (4 sets)
50 Double Unders
15 Strict HSPU
15 Mid Back Rows (cable or barbell )
Cash out
3 x Max reps Shoulder Saver Pad bench press @ 75% of max bench
3 x 15 Bar Dips
Session 2
PM Session
Warm up - shoulder rolls + couch stretch (30 sec each side) + pigeon stretch + ankle mobility, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats + 10 single leg touches (5 each leg) + 10 barbell power cleans w/stretch.
Power Clean
-Work up to a heavy set of 3 touch and go
After this heavy set of 3, continue to work up to a heavy but manageable single then 5x1 at that weight.
EMOM x 10 minutes
2 reps Touch and Go @ 80% of your best single for the day today. work on your pull and your footwork here .