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Session 1

Warm up - 2 rounds: couch stretch (30 sec) + hamstring stretch +15 air squats (varying stance width) + 10 single leg touches (5 each side) + 10 light barbell deadlifts, then 2 rounds of: 7 GHD + 7 Deadlifts + lat/pec stretch + calf/ankle stretch. 

3 Rounds for time

400m Run

40 GHD Sit Ups

7 Deadlifts 405/275

*Choose a weight that is heavy but you can do in no more than 2 sets on the DL.

Speed Bench

10 x 3 reps @ 55-60%

w/60 seconds rest

Session 2

Warm up - 20 shoulder rolls + lat/pec stretch + 10 kip swings, 2 rounds of: 10 calorie row + hamstring straddle stretch + squat hold + 5 burpee over rower + 10 muscle snatch (barbell). 

5 Rounds (Start a new round every 3:00)

15/12 Calorie Row

12 Burpees Over Rower

9 Muscle Snatch 115/75#

If it takes you longer than 2:30 just rest a min between rounds

Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes

Odd: 3 Strict Press

Even 20 TTB

80% of 1RM strict press for this.

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