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Session 1

PM Session

Warm up - 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 air squats (narrow to wide) + ankle mobility + 5 barbell muscle snatch + 5 barbell OHS, then warm up w/barbell.

A) Snatch Waves

Each wave is for time:

4-3-2 reps

Rest as needed

3-2-1 reps

Rest as needed

2-1-1 reps

Wave 1 (62-75%), Wave 2 (75-85%), Wave 3 (80-87%)

B) For time:


Ski Erg Calories

GHD Sit Ups

Session 2

Warm up - 2 rounds of: 30 second couch stretch + 15 air squats (varying stance width) + 10 single leg touches (each side) + 10 shoulder rolls

A) Back Squats

-Work up to a heavy set of 3 for the day

-Then drop and do 1 x max reps @ 82% of your 1RM Back squat

B) AMRAP 20 minutes

30’ OH Walking Lunge 95/65# Barbell

9 Bar Facing Burpees

6 Bar Muscle Ups

*Rest 1 minute between each round

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