2 Rounds, Not for Time:
1:00 Light Row
6 Slow Scap Retractions
5 Walkouts
4 Spiderman + Reach (each side)
3 Russian Baby Makers
Into 2 Rounds, Not for Time:
1:00 Light Bike
:30s Cossack Squat
:30s Warrior Squat
Into 2 Rounds, Not for Time:
12 Leg Curls - Moderate
5 Box Jumps - 24/20 (act like you’re jumping to the ceiling)
1 RM Back Squat
30 Hang Cleans for Time #225
20 Burppes + 50 HSPU
100 Cal Ski
20 Burpees + 50 TTB
Move at a steady pace. May the force be with you.