3 Rounds
250 M Row
15 Band Pull Aparts + 10 Shoulder dislocates
5 Baby Maker With Warrior Pose
6 Spiderman and reach
5 RDL + 5 Muscle Clean + 5 High Hang Clean + 5 Front Squats + 5 OHP
4x3 Clean @40-60% - from the power position
2 Hang Clean with drop and reset every 2 min for 12 min @85%
4x8 KB Bottoms Up Press
4x3 Clean Fist Pull @110% 1rm Clean - From the ground to the knees
4 Rounds
15 Double DB Deadlift 50/35s
5 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
12 DB Hang Power Cleans
5 Box Jump Overs
9 DB Thrusters
5 Box Jump Overs