Monday, November 18 - Saturday, November 23

Monday, November 18 

Warm-up: 1:00 row, bike, or ski (1x) directly into 8-6-4 muscle clean + front squat + push press (start w/ empty barbell) + supine toes-to-rig + pvc pass through + alt Cossack squat + :30 easy jump rope 


30:00 EMOM - 

  1. 5 power clean + max cal row, bike, or ski 

  2. Rest 

  3. 5 front squat + max double under or singles 

  4. Rest 

  5. 5 push press + max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

  6. Rest 

*Score = total cals + jump rope + ttb; barbell weight = 135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55 


3x 10-12 DB bent-over reverse fly (2 @ light/moderate weight)

Tuesday, November 19 

Warm-up: 10-8-6 KB swing (light) + alt KB goblet lunge (light) + push-up to pike + DB RDL (2 @ light weight) + alt renegade row (2 @ light weight) + alt groiner 


30:00 EMOM - 

  1. 16 sit-ups   

  2. 14 KB swing (70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20) 

  3. 12 alt goblet lunge (70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20) 

  4. 10 burpees over KB

  5. Rest

  6. 10 burpee box jump over or step over  

  7. 12 alt DB renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  8. 14 DB Romanian deadlift (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  9. 16 DB push-up 

  10. Rest 


  1. :30-:60/side banded thread the needle stretch

  2. :30-:60 med ball thoracic opener w/ plate

  3. :30-:60 weighted hamstring stretch from box

Wednesday, November 20 

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 6 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM) + 12 banded pull-apart + 10 tempo ring row + 8 bootstrapper 


In 20:00, complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -

Back squat (weight should be slightly heavier than last week) 

8 @ 60% 1RM 

6 @ 70% 1RM 

4 @ 75% 1RM 

2 @ 85% 1RM 

8 @ 70% 1RM 

6 @ 75% 1RM 

4 @ 85% 1RM 

2 @ 90% 1RM 


10:00 steady row, bike, or ski (zone 2)

Every 2:00, starting at 0:00 = X pull-ups

(X = a number you can do unbroken for 5 rounds) 

*Head back to your machine once you drop off pull-up bar 


3x :30-:45 Sorenson hold (:60 rest between sets) 

Thursday, November 21

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 9/side banded Pallof rotations + 7/side thoracic rotation from runners lunge + 5 inch worm w/ push-up + :30 handstand hold, pike hold, or plank + :30 chest opening stretch 


15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 10 dual DB bicep curl (2 @ challenging weight) 

  2. Max distance handstand walk, unbroken (1x then rest) OR :30 alt shoulder tap from handstand or pike OR :30 handstand hold or pike hold from box 

  3. Rest 


20:00 AMRAP - 


Russian twist @ moderate weight 

Hollow rock 

Single leg v-up (alternating) 


Accumulate 1:00 alternating downward dog to upward dog 

Accumulate 1:00/side lateral overhead trunk stretch on rig

Friday, November 22

Warm-up: 8-6-4-2 banded good morning + power snatch + scorpion stretch/side + power clean and jerk + banded snow angel + thruster + alt toe touch from plank

*For all barbell movements - start w/ empty bar and slowly build to WOD weight

Partner WOD

For time (you go, I go) -

60 cal row, bike, or ski 

30 power snatch

60 cal row, bike, or ski 

30 clean and jerk 

60 cal row, bike, or ski 

30 thruster

60 cal row, bike, or ski 

*Suggested barbell weight for all movements = 135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45 


1:00/side figure-4 stretch 

1:00/side cross body banded stretch

Saturday, November 23 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 easy jump rope + :30/side KB hip opener stretch + 10 pvc pass through + 8 dips from bench + 6 bench press (empty barbell) + 4 kip swing 


In 15:00, complete 3 rounds (:60 rest between rounds) - 

  1. 12-15/side banded row from side plank 

  2. 15-20 banded lat pull-down from hollow 

  3. 3-5 bench press, building to WOD weight 


In 16:00 complete the following for total reps - 

4:00 double under or singles 

4:00 bench press (155/105 or 115/85 or 85/55) 

4:00 sit-up 

4:00 bar muscle-up or challenging pull variation 


1:00/side banded lat stretch 

1:00/side banded pec stretch 

Monday, November 11 - Saturday, November 16

Monday, November 11 

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 12 alt hamstring scoops + 10 alt Cossack squat + 8 alt reverse Samson + :30 alt calf stretch + :30 banded glute bridge, :01 pause @ top 


“Chad” - A memorial WOD for Chad Wilkinson.  Please keep Chad, and all veterans, in your mind as you complete your step-ups. 

For time - 

1,000 box step-ups (20 in), with weighted vest if desired 

*Scale to 500 or 250 


Happy Veteran’s Day - thank you to those who have served our country 

Tuesday, November 12

Warm-up:  1:00 easy row or ski (1x) directly into 8-6-4 push-up to pike + pvc pass through + tempo ring row + thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side + :30 plank 


For quality reps @ steady pace - 


Row or ski meters 

*After each round, complete - 

5 bar muscle-up or 10 pull-up 

10 push-up 

15 sit-up 


Accumulate 2:00-3:00 banded plank

Wednesday, November 13

Warm-up:  2 rounds -10 banded snow angel + 8 muscle clean + 6 strict press + 4 alt front rack reverse lunge (empty barbell) + :30 easy jump rope + :30 wrist rockers 


Evey :90 x8 (12:00) - 


Curtis P complex (start light and build to a heavy complex if possible)


2:00 work / 1:00 rest x5 (15:00) -


Hang power clean (135/95 or 115/75 or 75/55) 

Max double under or singles 


3x 15-20 banded tricep push down

Thursday, November 14

Warm-up: 8-6-4-2 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 65% 1RM or RPE 6/10) + banded good morning + supine toes-to-rig + alt scorpion stretch + alt thoracic reach from low squat


In 15:00, complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -

Back squat

8 @ 65% 1RM (RPE 6/10) 

6 @ 70% 1RM (RPE 7/10) 

4 @ 80% 1RM (RPE 8/10) 

8 @ 70% 1RM (RPE 7/10) 

6 @ 80% 1RM (RPE 8/10) 

4 @ 85% 1RM (RPE 9/10) 


For time - 

40 KB swing (53/35 or 35/20) 

30 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

20 burpees or up downs 

-2:00 rest-

20 burpees or up downs 

30 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

40 KB swing (53/35 or 35/20) 


:30/side banded pec stretch + :30/side banded lat stretch + :30/side KB trap stretch + :30 straddle stretch (alternate between left, right, middle) + :30/side couch stretch

Friday, November 15

Warm-up: 8-6-4 bench press + deadlift (start w/ empty barbell + slowly build) + pvc pass through + banded bent over row + thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge 


In 12:00, superset the following x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 12-16 alt KB gorilla row (2 @ moderate weight)

  2. 3-5 bench press, building to WOD weight 

  3. 3-5 deadlift, building to WOD weight 

Partner WOD

14 rounds for time (you go, I go) - 

7 bench press (185/125 or 125/85 or 85/55) 

7 bike calories 

7 deadlift (225/155 or 155/105 or 105/75) 


3x 12-15/side banded med ball trunk rotation (:60 rest)

Saturday, November 16 

Warm-up: 5-4-3 overhead squat (empty barbell or pvc) + Turkish sit-up/side (light) + cat cow + side lying banded open book stretch/side + :20 alt shoulder tap from handstand, handstand hold, or feet elevated plank 


In 14:00, complete 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 2/side Turkish getup @ moderate weight 

  2. :30-:60 handstand work or challenging plank


Nancy prep - 

15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 200 meter row, run, or ski 

  2. 10-15 overhead squat (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

  3. Rest 


3x :30 supine hamstring walkout

Monday, November 4 - Saturday, November 9

Monday, November 4

Warm-up:  1:00 easy row, bike, or ski (1x) direclty into 5-4-3 snatch pull + snatch high pull + power snatch + overhead squat (empty barbell) + tempo ring row + wall ball thruster + scorpion stretch/side 


Every :90 x8 (12:00) -

1.1.1. power or squat snatch, athlete’s choice (:10 rest between singles)

*Start light and build every 2 rounds if able


3:00 AMRAP x5, :60 rest between AMRAPs (20:00) -

4 bar muscle-up or 8 pull-up 

8 cal row, bike, or ski 

12 wall ball (20/14 or 14/10 or 10/6) 

*Athlete picks up where they left off each round


3x :30 chest supported 90/90 shoulder rotations w/ light plates if possible (:60 rest between rounds)

Tuesday, November 5

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 5 barbell bent over row (start light and build to Strength weight) + 8 alt reverse Samson + 10 pvc pass through + 20 easy jump rope 


15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 8 barbell bent over row (155/105 or 105/75 or 75/55) 

  2. 16 weighted ceiling crunch

  3. Rest 


2 rounds for time - 

800 meter run (scale to 400) 

60 double under or 120 singles 

40 alt reverse goblet lunge (53/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


Accumulate 50-75/side - weighted side bend @ challenging weight

Wednesday, November 6

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 14 banded pull-apart + 12 supine toes-to-rig + 10 alt groiner + 8/side thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation + 6 deadlift (light) + 4 push-up to pike 


In 12:00, superset x3 (:90 rest between supersets) - 

  1. 3-5 deadlift, building to WOD weight 

  2. 10-15/side DB half kneeling woodchopper @ moderate weight


15:00 EMOM for total reps (RPE 8/10 for all movements) - 

  1. Max unbroken push-up 

  2. Max unbroken toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups  

  3. Max unbroken wall walk 

  4. Max unbroken deadlift (225/155 or 155/105 or 105/75) 

  5. Rest 

*Athlete completes 1 set/minute, then rests in the remaining time 


3x 8-10/side 1-arm KB row from Sorenson hold @ moderate weight

Thursday, November 7 

Warm-up:  1:00 easy bike (1x) directly into 2 rounds - 12 banded glute bridge, :01 pause @ top + 10 alt hamstring scoop + 8 strict press (light) + 6 DB lateral box step over (2 @ light weight) 


Every :90 x4 (18:00) - 

  1. 8-10 lateral DB box step over (2 @ moderate weight)

  2. 10-15 DB hip thrust, :01 pause @ top (50/35 or 40/25)

  3. 3-5 push jerk, building to WOD weight 


For time - 

20 cal bike 

20 push jerk (155/105 or 105/75 or 75/45) 

20 cal bike 

*This is a short work-out so stagger start times if needed for bike space 


1-2x :30/position - seated straddle stretch (alt between right, left, middle) + banded pec stretch/side + banded lat stretch/side + couch stretch/side

Friday, November 8 

Warm-up:  2 rounds -  4 inch worm w/ push-up + 6 DB squat (front rack) + 8 DB bench press (2 @ light weight) + 10 banded snow angel + 12/side banded row from side plank 


For quality reps @ steady pace (rest as needed) - 


DB bench press (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

Sit-up (weighted and/or GHD if possible) 

DB squat (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

Tuck-up (weighted if possible) 

*Advanced athlete may build to 70/50 for bench press and/ or squat if desired 


3x 8-12 ring row, as horizontal as possible (feet elevated for extra challenge)


Saturday, November 9 

Warm-up: 1:00 easy row or ski (1x) directly into 5-4-3-2 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to Strength weight) + upward to downward dog (:03 pause in each position) + :30 wrist rockers + :30 banded good morning


In 12:00, complete the following ladder (:90 rest between sets) -

Power clean 


Weight suggestions -

Set 1: 3 @ 115/85 or 95/65 or 65/45 

Set 2: 3 @ 135/105 or 115/85 or 85/55 

Set 3: 2 @ 155/125 or 135/95 or 95/65 

Set 4: 2 @ 175/145 or 145/105 or 105/75 

Set 5: 1 @ 195/155 or 155/125 or 135/95 

Set 6: 1 @ 215/165 or 165/135 or 145/105 

Partner WOD

For time (you go, I go) - 


Row or ski cals 


Accumulate 20 prone Y raise + 20 prone T raise, :01 in top position 

Monday, October 28 - Saturday, November 2

Monday, October 28 

Warm-up:  1:00 row, bike, or ski (1x) directly into 5-4-3 power clean + front squat + strict press (start w/ empty barbell) + reverse Samson/side + inch-worm w/ push-up 


Every :90 x6 (9:00) - 


Cluster (start light and slowly build each round if possible)


20:00 EMOM - 

  1. 200 meter row or ski 

  2. 8-10 power snatch (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

  3. 12/9 cal bike 

  4. 8-10 thruster (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

  5. Rest (optional - athlete can choose to complete 5 rnds instead of 4 w/o rest) 


2-3x :30-:60 dual KB front rack march @ challenging weight

Tuesday, October 29 

Warm-up:  2 rounds - :30 jump rope + :20 HS hold or plank + 6 DB chest supported row (2 @ light weight) + 8 push-up to pike + 10 supine toes-to-rig + 12 alt groiners


In 12:00, superset x3 (:90 rest between supersets) -

  1. 10-15 DB incline lat pullover (50/35 or 40/25 or 25/10)

  2. 8-12 DB incline chest supported row (2 @ same weight as above if possible)


Every 3:30 x5 (17:30) - 

30 double under or 60 singles 

10-15 handstand push-up or any push-up variation 

30 double under or 60 singles 

10-15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 


2-3x max effort chin-over-bar hold, supinated grip (:90 rest between sets)

Wednesday, October 30 

Warm-up:  8-6-4-2 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and slowly build) + alt Cossack squat + alt thoracic reach from low squat + alt toe touch from plank + cat cow 

*Bench press warm-up during 5:00 rest - 8-6-4 bench press + pvc pass through 


Every :90 x10 (0:00-15:00) - 


Back squat (start @ 50% 1RM and build by 5-10% each round if possible) 

-5:00 rest (15:00-20:00)-

Every :90 x10 (20:00-35:00) -


Bench press (start @ 50% 1RM and build by 5-10% each round if possible) 


3x 10-15 prone dumbbell hamstring curl @ light/moderate weight

Thursday, October 31

Warm-up: 1:00 row or ski (1x) directly into 2 rounds - 10 alt hamstring scoops + 8 deadlift (light) + 6/side thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation + 8 kip swing or :20 hollow rock + 10 alt scorpion stretch 


In 12:00, superset x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 10 v-up 

  2. 15 tuck crunch 

  3. 20 sit-up

  4. :30 plank 

*For extra challenge, complete each movement weighted 


For time (20:00 cap) - 

1,031 meter row or ski 

10 bar muscle-up or 20 pull-up 

31 deadlift (135/95 or 95/65) 

31 lateral burpees over barbell (scale to up downs) 

31 deadlift (135/95 or 95/65) 

10 bar muscle-up or 20 pull-up 

1,031 meter row or ski 


3x :30 prone T lift over (hold light plates if possible)

Friday, November 1

Warm-up: 8-6-4-2 power clean and jerk (start w/ empty barbell + slowly build) + banded good morning + DB OH walking lunge/side (light) + banded pull-apart + alt quad stretch


30:00 EMOM - 

  1. 8/side DB overhead walking lunge (53/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  2. 5-4-3-2-1 power clean and jerk (push or split) 

  3. Rest 

  4. 16 Russian KB swing (70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20) 

  5. 200 meter run 

  6. Rest 

*Clean + jerk weight - start @ 50% 1RM and build to heavy single if possible 


Tabata banded row from side plank (4 rounds/side) 

Saturday, November 2 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :20 HS hold or plank + 8 alt pistol squat to bench + :30 chest opening stretch + 8 dips from bench + :30/side ankle rotations + 8/side thoracic rotation from runners lunge


4 rounds for quality reps @ steady pace (:90 rest between rounds) - 


Alternating pistol squat 

Half kneeling DB bicep curl/side (moderate weight)  

DB plank pull through (same weight as above) 

Dips from rings, dip handles, or bench (cable tricep pulls as alternate option) 

*:30-:60 handstand work or hollow rocks after each round


Accumulate :30-:60 of each movement - 

  1. Figure-4 stretch on rig 

  2. Lat/trunk stretch on rig

  3. Straddle stretch (alternate right, middle, left)

Monday, October 21 - Saturday, October 26

Monday, October 21

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 deadlift (start light and build to 65% 1RM or moderate weight) + Cossack squat/side + thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge + kip swing + inch worm w/ push-up 


In 12:00, complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -

8 deadlift @ 65% 1RM (or 5/10 RPE) 

6 deadlift @ 70% 1RM (or 6/10 RPE) 

4 deadlift @ 70% 1RM (or 7/10 RPE) 

2 deadlift @ 75% 1RM (or 8/10 RPE) 

Max deadlift reps @ 80% 1RM (or 9/10 RPE) 


For time - 


Toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups  

Hand release push-up 

-3:00 rest-


Hand release push-up 

Toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 


2-3x - superset the following (:60 rest between supersets) -

30 banded glute bridge + 30 banded alt side step

Tuesday, October 22

Warm-up:  2:00 easy row or ski (1x) directly into 2 rounds - 5/side back rack split stance squat (empty barbell) + 10 bootstrappers + :30/side elevated pigeon stretch + :30 alt upward to downward dog 


In 12:00, complete 4 rounds/side, building if possible (:90 rest between rounds) -

Back rack split stance squat 


*Athlete completes 10 reps on the right + 10 reps on the left


For time - 

1,000 meter row or ski 

800 meter run 

500 meter row or ski 

400 meter run 

250 meter row or ski 

200 meter run 

*Scale as needed for your fitness level 


Accumulate 30-60/side banded oblique rotation

Wednesday, October 23 

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 3 power clean (start light and build to 85% 1RM) + 5 wall ball thruster + 7/side scorpion stretch + 9 banded good morning + :20 wrist rockers


Every 2:00 x6 (12:00) -

2.2 power clean @ 85% 1RM 

*Doubles are touch and go; :20 rest between each set of doubles 


In 18:00 for total power cleans (both movements done within the minute) - 

5:00 EMOM - 

10 wall ball + max hang power clean (135/95 or 95/65) 

-3:00 rest-

4:00 EMOM - 

10 wall ball + max hang power clean (115/85 or 85/55) 

-3:00 rest-

3:00 EMOM - 

10 wall ball + max hang power clean (105/75 or 75/45) 

*HPC reps do not need to be unbroken - you can rest then pick your barbell up again 


Accumulate 30-45 dips from rings, dip handles, or bench 

Thursday, October 24

Warm-up: 1:00 easy bike (1x) directly into 8-6-4 - DB bench press (light) + alt renegade row (light) + alt box step-up + tempo ring row (:03/position) + pvc pass through 


9:00 EMOM - 

  1. 8-10 alt renegade row (2 @ moderate weight) 

  2. Max unbroken strict pull-up 

  3. Rest 


20:00 total bike cals 

*E2MOM, starting @ 0:00, alternate between the following - 

15 box jump over or step-over (24/20 in) 

15 DB bench press (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


3x10-15 GHD hip extension, :01 pause @ top  

Friday, October 25 

Warm-up. 2 rounds - 10 alt hamstring scoops + 8 barbell hip thrust (light) + 6 alt DB snatch (light) + 4 dead stop Russian KB swing (light)  +:30/side figure-4 stretch + :30 cat cow


In 42:00, complete the following for high quality reps @ steady pace - 

In 12:00, superset x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 15 dead stop Russian KB swing (53/35 or 35/20)

  2. 12 barbell hip thrust, :01 pause @ top (105/75 or 75/55) 

  3. 9 ring row, as horizontal as possible (feet elevated for extra challenge) 

-3:00 rest-

In 12:00, superset x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 15 DB hammer curl (2 @ 30/20 or 25/15 or 20/10) 

  2. 12 barbell push press (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

  3. 9 strict knees-to-elbow (goal to get knees as close to elbows as possible)

-3:00 rest-

In 12:00, superset x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 15 weighted hollow rock @ light weight (arms by ears)

  2. 12 alt DB snatch (50/35 or 35/20) 

  3. 9 seated DB/KB overhead tricep extension @ moderate weight


3-way banded shoulder stretch (:30/position) + couch stretch (:30/side)

Saturday, October 26

Warm-up:  15:00 AMRAP - 10 banded pull-apart + 10 alt thoracic rotation from low squat + 5 kip swing + :30 straddle stretch + :30 banded lat pull-down + :30 jump rope 

Partner WOD

12 rounds (6 each) for time (you go, I go) -

45 double under or 90 singles 

12 sit-up (weighted and/or GHD if possible) 

5 bar muscle-up or 10 pull-up 


5:00-10:00 handstand work 

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