Monday, November 18
Warm-up: 1:00 row, bike, or ski (1x) directly into 8-6-4 muscle clean + front squat + push press (start w/ empty barbell) + supine toes-to-rig + pvc pass through + alt Cossack squat + :30 easy jump rope
30:00 EMOM -
5 power clean + max cal row, bike, or ski
5 front squat + max double under or singles
5 push press + max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
*Score = total cals + jump rope + ttb; barbell weight = 135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55
3x 10-12 DB bent-over reverse fly (2 @ light/moderate weight)
Tuesday, November 19
Warm-up: 10-8-6 KB swing (light) + alt KB goblet lunge (light) + push-up to pike + DB RDL (2 @ light weight) + alt renegade row (2 @ light weight) + alt groiner
30:00 EMOM -
16 sit-ups
14 KB swing (70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20)
12 alt goblet lunge (70/53 or 53/35 or 35/20)
10 burpees over KB
10 burpee box jump over or step over
12 alt DB renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)
14 DB Romanian deadlift (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)
16 DB push-up
:30-:60/side banded thread the needle stretch
:30-:60 med ball thoracic opener w/ plate
:30-:60 weighted hamstring stretch from box
Wednesday, November 20
Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 6 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM) + 12 banded pull-apart + 10 tempo ring row + 8 bootstrapper
In 20:00, complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -
Back squat (weight should be slightly heavier than last week)
8 @ 60% 1RM
6 @ 70% 1RM
4 @ 75% 1RM
2 @ 85% 1RM
8 @ 70% 1RM
6 @ 75% 1RM
4 @ 85% 1RM
2 @ 90% 1RM
10:00 steady row, bike, or ski (zone 2)
Every 2:00, starting at 0:00 = X pull-ups
(X = a number you can do unbroken for 5 rounds)
*Head back to your machine once you drop off pull-up bar
3x :30-:45 Sorenson hold (:60 rest between sets)
Thursday, November 21
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 9/side banded Pallof rotations + 7/side thoracic rotation from runners lunge + 5 inch worm w/ push-up + :30 handstand hold, pike hold, or plank + :30 chest opening stretch
15:00 EMOM -
10 dual DB bicep curl (2 @ challenging weight)
Max distance handstand walk, unbroken (1x then rest) OR :30 alt shoulder tap from handstand or pike OR :30 handstand hold or pike hold from box
20:00 AMRAP -
Russian twist @ moderate weight
Hollow rock
Single leg v-up (alternating)
Accumulate 1:00 alternating downward dog to upward dog
Accumulate 1:00/side lateral overhead trunk stretch on rig
Friday, November 22
Warm-up: 8-6-4-2 banded good morning + power snatch + scorpion stretch/side + power clean and jerk + banded snow angel + thruster + alt toe touch from plank
*For all barbell movements - start w/ empty bar and slowly build to WOD weight
Partner WOD:
For time (you go, I go) -
60 cal row, bike, or ski
30 power snatch
60 cal row, bike, or ski
30 clean and jerk
60 cal row, bike, or ski
30 thruster
60 cal row, bike, or ski
*Suggested barbell weight for all movements = 135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45
1:00/side figure-4 stretch
1:00/side cross body banded stretch
Saturday, November 23
Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 easy jump rope + :30/side KB hip opener stretch + 10 pvc pass through + 8 dips from bench + 6 bench press (empty barbell) + 4 kip swing
In 15:00, complete 3 rounds (:60 rest between rounds) -
12-15/side banded row from side plank
15-20 banded lat pull-down from hollow
3-5 bench press, building to WOD weight
In 16:00 complete the following for total reps -
4:00 double under or singles
4:00 bench press (155/105 or 115/85 or 85/55)
4:00 sit-up
4:00 bar muscle-up or challenging pull variation
1:00/side banded lat stretch
1:00/side banded pec stretch