Tuesday, June 1st 

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - :30 side plank/side + :30 chest opening stretch + 10 v-ups + 10 alt scorpion stretch + 10 reverse Samson’s 


12:00 EMOM -

1st: 6-8 half kneeling 1-arm DB press, right 

2nd: 6-8 half kneeling 1-arm DB press, left 

3rd: :45 plank 


16:00 AMRAP - 

15 Russian KB swings (70/53) 

12 Toes-to-bar

9 Bike cals 

Accessory (optional): 

3x10 midline cable rows

Wednesday, June 2nd 

Warm-up:  10-8-6-4-2 - bootstrappers + plate ground to overhead + back squats (start w/empty bar, then slowly build to prep for strength)


In 15:00, complete the following sequence, building in weight if possible - 

Back squats 



10 rounds for time - 

15 wall balls (20/14) 

10 sit-ups

Accessory (optional): 

3x10 GHD hip extensions or 3x20 quadruped hip extensions/side 

Thursday, June 3rd 

Warm-up:  200 meters +  5-4-3-2-1 - OHS w/pvc + pass throughs + groiners + DB bench press (start light and build towards strength weight) + push-ups 


12:00 EMOM - 

1st: :30 max effort DB bench press 

2nd: :30 max effort handstand push-ups 


For time - 

150 double unders 

40 deadlifts (175/125) 

30 cal row 

20 bar facing burpees 

10 power cleans (175/125) 

Accessory (optional): 

3x40 meters - double KB waiter’s walk (rest as needed between sets) 

Friday, June 4th 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 pass throughs w/pvc + 5 snatch balances w/pvc + 5 OHS w/pvc + 5 ring rows w/:03 hold in top position


Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) - 

1st: 1 power snatch or squat snatch (athlete’s choice); Build to tough single, or stay light/moderate and complete 3-5 reps every :90


For time - 

30 alt DB snatches (50/35)

30 pull-ups 

400 meter run 

30 pull-ups 

30 alt DB snatches (50/35)

Accessory (optional): 

3x10 lat pull-downs 

Saturday, June 5th 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 20 meter walking lunges + 10 muscle cleans + 10 strict press + 5 inch worms w/push-up


In 14:00, build to a heavy complex - 

1 power clean + 1 lunge/leg + 1 push press


3:00 on/:60 off for 4 rounds - 

25 burpees 

25 double unders 

Max hang power cleans (95/65) 

*Score is total number of power cleans 

Accessory (optional): 

50 barbell bicep curls (45/35) 

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