Monday, May 24
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded bent over rows + :30 handstand hold or plank + 20 m burpee broad jumps + 5 inch worms w/push-up
Every :90 for 4 rounds -
1st: 6 tempo goblet squats, :03 eccentric tempo (challenging weight)
2nd: 20 Russian KB swings (challenging weight)
Every 3:00 for 5 rounds -
50 double unders
9 handstand push-ups
12 burpees
*Scale reps as needed to assure at least :30 rest; scale double unders to 100 singles; scale HSPU to pike push-ups or seated overhead press
Accessory (optional):
Tabata star plank or side plank (alternate sides - :20 on/:10 off for 8 rounds total - 4 rounds/side)
Tuesday, May 25
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace w/empty bar - 10 good mornings + 5 muscle cleans + 5 strict press + :30 bike + 5 ring rows w/:03 hold at top
15:00 EMOM -
1st: 1 deadlift + 1 hang power clean + 1 push press (building toward WOD weight)
2nd: :30 hollow rocks
3rd: 8-10 renegade rows (challenging weight)
5 rounds for time
12 deadlifts (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65)
9 hang power cleans (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65)
6 push jerks (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65)
*Strategies - recover during deadlifts. Don’t be afraid to drop the bar between reps; After the last deadlift, go directly into hang cleans. Scale weight as needed.
**What is a good score for DT? Beginner 15-19 min; Intermediate 10-14 min; Advanced 6-9 min; Elite < 5 min
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 100 supine heel reaches
Wednesday, May 26
Warm-up: :60 pigeon stretch/side, followed by 10-8-6-4-2 - Reverse Samson’s + groiners + kip swings or hollow rocks + pass throughs
3 rounds -
3:00 AMRAP
400 meter run
Max dual DB suitcase lunges (50/35 or 35/20)
2:00 rest
3:00 AMRAP
400 meter row or ski
Max pull-ups
2:00 rest
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 30-50 TRX knees to elbows from plank position
Thursday, May 27
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 - OHS w/pvc + pass throughs + bootstrappers + front squat or back squat (start building in weight slowly to prepare for strength)
Strength: In 15:00, complete the following cycle, build if possible -
Front squats or back squats (athlete’s choice)
For time -
Power snatches (95/65)
Bike calories
Cash-out: 50 sit-ups (GHD or traditional)
Accessory (optional):
Tabata Russian twists
Friday, May 28
Warm-up: In 10:00, complete 10 sit-ups + 10 v-ups + 10 plank rotations/side + 10 inch worms w/push up + 2:00 easy row; Spend remaining time warming up for strength.
In 16:00, work on a lift or skill of choice (aka Max Out Friday if we’re going old school)
:90 on/:60 off for 6 rounds -
7 toes-to-bar
7 box jump overs
AMRAP 1-arm Devil press (50/35)
*Switch arms as needed
**Score is total number of Devil press
Accessory (optional):
:60 banded hamstring stretch/side
Saturday, May 29
Warm-up: 200 m run + 3 rounds - 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 muscle cleans + 5 front squats + 10 bootstrappers
12:00 EMOM -
1 squat clean, working towards a heavy single
*Or stay light and complete 3-5 reps every minute
E4MOM for 16:00 (each round for time) -
400 meter run
8 power cleans (185/135 or 135/95 or 95/65)
Accessory (optional):
3x20 banded hamstring curls