Monday, 4/19
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 10 banded good mornings + :30 bike + 10 kip swings + :30 wall sit + 10 bootstrappers + :30 pigeon stretch/side
Every :90 for 6 sets, complete the following complex unbroken -
1 clean grip deadlift + 1 low hang squat clean + 1 front squat (weight should be around 70% 1RM clean or moderate weight)
4 rounds for max reps of movements listed below -
3:00 on/1:00 rest
400 meter run
Movement x
Round 1: Pull-ups
Round 2: Burpees
Round 3 - Sit-ups
Round 4 - Goblet squats (53/35)
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 40 single leg glute bridges/side
Tuesday, 4/20
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 inch worms w/push-up + 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 push-ups to pike + 10 pass throughs + 100 meters
15:00 EMOM -
1st: 10 DB bench press
2nd: :30 dips (from rings, GHD, or bench)
3rd: :30 plank, weighted if possible
13:00 AMRAP -
8/6 calorie bike
9 push press (95/65 or 75/45)
12 box jump-overs or step-overs
*Only attempt box jumps if you have mastered a soft landing consistently
Accessory (optional):
3x8-10 external rotations w/band or light DB
Wednesday, 4/21
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - RDL’s + muscle cleans + v-ups + banded bent over rows + plank-ups
In 12:00, build to a power clean single slightly heavier than you plan to lift for WOD
*Get some double under or jump rope practice between lifts
15 rounds for time (20:00 cap) -
1 power clean (185/115 or 135/95 or 95/65)
3 toes-to-bar
5 handstand push-ups, pike push-ups, or traditional push-ups
Accessory (optional):
200 meter Farmers carry
Thursday, 4/22
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 10 walking lunges + :30 hollow hold + 100 meter run + :30 smooth jump rope (doubles or singles)
Every :60 for 12:00 -
1st: 10 DB suitcase lunges
2nd: :30 flutter kicks
3 rounds for time -
50 KB swings
500 meter row
50 double unders or 100 singles
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 150 mountain climbers
Friday, 4/23
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 - pass throughs + OHS w/pvc + ring rows + muscle snatches w/empty barbell + groiners
Every :90 for 4 rounds -
1st: 3-5 overhead squats, building in weight each round if possible
2nd: Max effort strict pull-ups
14:00 EMOM -
1st: 8 unbroken power snatches
2nd: 200 meter run
*For snatches, choose a weight that you can cycle through unbroken; Option exists to complete 10 DB snatches instead of 8 barbell snatches.
Accessory (optional):
3x6 1-arm DB bent-over rows/side, challenging weight