Monday, 4/12
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 10 pass throughs + 5 strict press w/empty barbell + 10 alt step-ups + 5 burpee broad jumps + :30 bike
In 12:00, build to a heavy jerk single (if you are not ready to build heavy on this lift, treat it like an EMOM and complete 3-5 push press each minute)
3:00 AMRAP for 4 rounds -
8 push press (95/65)
6 burpee box jump overs
:60 between each AMRAP
*Scale to burpee step overs if needed
Accumulate 60 plank-ups
Tuesday, 4/13
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - Bootstrappers + reverse Samson’s + kip swings + back squat (building toward 75% or moderate weight).
In 12:00, complete the following -
Back squats @ 75% 1RM or moderate weight
For time -
Buy in: 800 meter run
Directly into 3 rounds -
10 alt pistol squats
20 pull-ups
30 hand-release push-ups
Cash-out: 800 meter run
3x6 single leg deadlifts/side
Wednesday, 4/14
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 RDLs w/empty barbell + 10 muscle cleans + :30 jump rope + 5 push-ups to pike + :30 pigeon stretch/side
In 14:00, build to a power clean single that is slightly heavier than what you plan to lift in the WOD.
10 rounds for time -
5 power cleans (155/105 or 135/95 or 95/65)
25 double unders
*Scale 25 dubs for 50 singles if needed
Accumulate 100 single leg v-ups
Thursday, 4/15
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - :30 banded side steps + 10 med ball cleans + :30 Superman hold + 10 groiners + 200 meter run
Every :90 for 4 rounds -
1st: :30 goblet reverse lunges, deficit if possible off 25# plate (53/35 or less)
2nd: :45 KB swings
20:00 EMOM -
1st: 12 toes-to-bar
2nd: 10 wall balls (20/14)
3rd: 12 sit-ups w/wall ball
4th: 10 front squats (95/65)
Accumulate 30 side plank rotations w/light DB/side
Friday, 4/16
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - banded good mornings + banded pull-aparts + muscle snatches + calorie ski
In 15:00, build to a tough set of 3 bench press
In teams of 2, 1 partner working at at time -
In 20:00 -
Max distance row
At minute 0 and 10, complete 30 clean and jerks (125/85 or 95/65)
At minute 5 and 15, complete 30 power snatches (125/85 or 95/65)
Accumulate 40 banded face pulls
Saturday, 4/17
12:00 EMOM -
1st: :30 handstand hold or plank
2nd: 8-10 pendlay rows (light to moderate weight)
3rd: :30 bike (easy to moderate pace)
“Barbara Ann”
5 rounds for time -
20 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts (135/95)
40 sit-ups
50 double unders (or 100 singles)
Rest 3:00 between rounds
*Scale HSPU to pike push-ups off box, traditional push-ups, or seated DB press