Monday, 2/8


12:00 EMOM - 

1st: :30 hollow hold w/pvc 

2nd: :30 arch hold w/pvc 

3rd: 10 kip swings or 5 hips-to-bar swings 


3 rounds for time - 

20/15 calorie bike 

15 pull-ups 

20 overhead walking lunges (95/65 or 65/45) 

Rest 3:00 

1 round for time - 

60/45 calorie bike 

30 pull-ups 

40 overhead walking lunges (95/65 or 65/45) 

Accessory (optional): 

5:00 active recovery on rower - easy pace 

Tuesday, 2/9

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 back squats + 10 reverse Samson’s + 10 walk-outs w/push-up + 10 Kb suitcase deadlifts/side + :20 handstand hold or plank 


In 14:00 - 

Back squats - work to a tough set of 3


In 20:00, work to complete the following: 


Deadlifts (225/155) 

Handstand push-ups*

Max row calories in remaining time 

*Pike push-ups or hand-release push-ups to scale 

**Score is row calories 

Accessory (optional): 

2 rounds - :60 elevated pigeon stretch/side 

Wednesday, 2/10

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 split jerk balances + 8 presses from split jerk position + 6 burpee step-ups + 10 pass throughs + :30 jump rope 


In 14:00, work to a tough clean and jerk single 


For time - 

Buy-in: 100 double unders

Directly into - 



Single DB Devils press (50/35)

*Split Devils press however you would like, just make sure to get equal reps per side.  For example, the first round you will get 15/side (30 total).

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 200 flutter kicks (each kick counts as 1) 

Thursday, 2/11

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 hand release push-ups + 10 pass throughs + 10 bench press w/empty barbell + 10 calorie ski 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5-7 ring dips, dips off GHD, or 12-15 dips off box or bench

2nd: :30 weighted plank 



Bench press (135/95 or 115/75)


Strict pull-ups 

Accessory (optional): 

30 1-arm bent over rows/side, moderate weight 

Friday, 2/12

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 - RDL’s + muscle cleans + front squats + burpees; followed by hip mobility (coaches choice) 


Complete 1 squat clean every :60 for 12:00, adding weight each time if possible 


For time with a partner- 

P1 completes 8 front squats (95/65) + 8 burpees over bar 

P2 rows for max calories 

*Once P1 finishes 1 round, partners switch 

**Go until you hit 200 calories total, between both partners. 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 40-60 barbell glute raises 

Saturday, 2/13

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 16 alt step ups + 10 pass throughs + 5 muscle snatches w/pvc or empty bar + 10 OHS w/pvc or empty bar 


Every :90 for 4 rounds - 

1st: 3 touch-and-go power snatches + 3 overhead squats (stay light to moderate) 

2nd: :45 smooth double unders, or 1 double + 1 single, or smooth singles 


For time: 

50 alt DB snatch (50/35) 

30 double unders 

40 alt DB snatch 

30 double unders 

30 alt DB snatch 

30 double unders 

20 alt DB snatch 

30 double unders 

10 alt DB snatch 

30 double unders 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 100 hollow rocks - every time you break, get a :30 plank 

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